I have a brand new IAP 305 which for some reason is no longer broadcasting it's SSID. When I first took it out the box, I connected it up and it was broadcasting it's SetMeUp SSID.
I managed to get onto the Aruba Instant GUI as expected, and I changed the SSID name and password. I then closed down the GUI, and successfully opened it again with the new SSID and Logon. I did not change anything, but closed down the GUI again, and left the device completely for several days.
When I connected the same IAP up again, it powers up, but only one LED flashes green, and will not go solid. The second LED does not illuminate at all and the device does not broadcast it's SSID anymore.
Has anybody seen this before, and/or have any suggestions how to fix it?
Any help would be great, thanks a lot.
Paul Burns