Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 05, 2022 06:06 AM

    I have a brand new IAP 305 which for some reason is no longer broadcasting it's SSID.  When I first took it out the box, I connected it up and it was broadcasting it's SetMeUp SSID.
    I managed to get onto the Aruba Instant GUI as expected, and I changed the SSID name and password. I then closed down the GUI, and successfully opened it again with the new SSID and Logon. I did not change anything, but closed down the GUI again, and left the device completely for several days.

    When I connected the same IAP up again, it powers up, but only one LED flashes green, and will not go solid. The second LED does not illuminate at all and the device does not broadcast it's SSID anymore.

    Has anybody seen this before, and/or have any suggestions how to fix it?

    Any help would be great, thanks a lot.

    Paul Burns


  • 2.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 05, 2022 06:55 AM
    here are  the LED status for AP-305.

    ensure it is has enough PoE, it looks like the radios are not being powered up due to insufficient PoE .
    you can enable IPM from the CLI

    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.

  • 3.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 05, 2022 07:16 AM
    Hi Ariyap,

    thanks for getting back to me. The IAP is also connected using a power injector (30w). I tried the same injector on my other two IAP 305's and it works no problem - they broadcast their SSID's.
    I forgot to mention in my post that I have also tried the factory reset, but this does not help either. I am starting to think that maybe this particular IAP is faulty.

  • 4.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 05, 2022 07:43 AM
    ok if you have factory defaulted that AP, then it will be broadcasting setme up SSID, is that happening?
    it is best to connect to the console of the AP and check the config.

    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.

  • 5.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 05, 2022 09:48 AM
    Hi Ariyap,

    No it is not broadcasting the SSID at all, and only one green light is flashing, and never goes solid. It looks as if it is constantly going through the initialisation process. 
    As I said, it is a brand new Access Point straight out of the box. There is 3 of them in total, the other 2 work fine with the same cables and Power Injectors.

  • 6.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 06, 2022 01:13 PM
    I had two IAPs get into a similar-looking state and it turned out to be because somehow in the bootup processes they ended up with the same IP addresses as two other devices that got hooked up to the network at the same time. It was totally not obvious! (I think maybe during the process of doing discovery and the AP getting itself together, there are some subtle race conditions where the AP doesn't respond like the DHCP server expects, and the DHCP server might be giving the IP address to another device in the interim? I'm just guessing, though.)

    If you know the IP of the AP, turn the AP off and ping the IP. If somebody answers your ping, then there's your answer. If you run arp after your ping, you can get the mac address of whatever device that is that is on that IP unexpectedly.

    By the time I finally figured out what were very weird and confusing symptoms, I had actually left my two APs turned off long enough that their DHCP leases expired, which meant that when I next powered them up they got different IPs and just worked perfectly with no problems. That would have been even more confusing and left me wondering if I was losing my mind, but by then I had figured out (by running zenmap) that I had confused the DHCP server and then everything made total sense.

  • 7.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 06, 2022 07:20 PM
    it is best to have a console connection to see whats going on as the AP boots up.

    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.

  • 8.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 07, 2022 02:40 AM
    Hello Cathy,

    thanks very much for the information, and you could be right about the DHCP giving out the same IP address to 2 devices.  I don't have a console cable either which is frustrating.

    I think you are on the right lines, because this is a brand new device. Nothing happened in the intervening time when it was first broadcasting it's SSID one day, and then stopped the next.

    I don't think the device is faulty, I think it could be something very simple like you mentioned.


  • 9.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 07, 2022 02:45 AM
    Hello Ariyap,

    thanks a lot, yes I will have to get hold of a console cable because at the moment I've got no way of checking what's going on with the device.


  • 10.  RE: IAP 305 will not broadcast SSID

    Posted Jul 07, 2022 09:10 AM
    Yes, for me the console cable was a lifesaver. I was dealing with a 205H, and those console cables are unavailable! My husband built one for me out of ~$6 worth of parts. If you can track down the pinouts for the cable the DIY build was trivial.

    With the console cable it tells you what the AP thinks it's doing -- its IP address, the IP address of what it's using for its master, error messages. And watching the console stream go by as the lights do different things is very educational!