Controllerless Networks

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  • 1.  IAP and Multiple Cluster Deployment same core switches

    Posted Aug 28, 2018 03:04 AM

    Hello Team,


    I have around 130 AP 305 i want to deploy  in a big building means that is a continuous RF.

    Based on the number of APs i should create 2 clusters but based on the VRD the recomendation is to have native vlans for the APs but i have one core so i can not have 2 different native vlans.

    Please advise me what can i do.

    Thank you.

  • 2.  RE: IAP and Multiple Cluster Deployment same core switches

    Posted Aug 28, 2018 06:04 AM

    If you have one core switch, you should create a separate VLAN for the second cluster's management VLAN.

  • 3.  RE: IAP and Multiple Cluster Deployment same core switches

    Posted Aug 28, 2018 06:07 AM



    So the APs dont need native vlan ? The trunk port that the APs will connect will also have the managment vlan ? Do i need to change something from AP side ? i need to change to every AP or only to the VC?

  • 4.  RE: IAP and Multiple Cluster Deployment same core switches
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 28, 2018 06:16 AM

    Yes, the access points would need a native VLAN on the trunk port.  The native VLAN would just need to be different between the clusters.

    For example:


    VLAN10  = cliuster 1

    VLAN 20 = cluster 2

    All the ports connected to an AP in cluster 1 should have VLAN 10 as the native VLAN, and have all the user VLANs trunked.  All the ports connected to an AP in cluster 2 should have VLAN 20 as the native VLAN, and have all of the user VLANs trunked.


    The only difference between the ports on the clusters, should be the native (management VLAN for the cluster).



  • 5.  RE: IAP and Multiple Cluster Deployment same core switches

    Posted Aug 28, 2018 08:41 AM

    One more question each cluster must also have different client vlan for the same ssid or can they have the same.


    For example for the Guest SSID the trunk port that an AP in cluster A should have native 10 and guest vlan 100.

    For a port that an Ap in cluster B should have native 20 and guest vlan 100 or it should be different.

    Please remember that i have same core.


    Thank you

  • 6.  RE: IAP and Multiple Cluster Deployment same core switches

    Posted Aug 28, 2018 08:58 AM

    It can be the same, Yes.  The management or untagged VLAN on the trunk port would have to be different because of the limit of 100 access points to a cluster.