Wired Intelligent Edge

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  • 1.  ibgp next hop self

    Posted Mar 01, 2022 07:12 AM

    Im having some problems with getting our arubaos-cx 8360 switch to eat the neighbor x.x.x.x next-hop-self.

    Its in a multi vrf env. when i do it from the peer side (cisco asr 1002x) it works, i can see recieved routers with the cisco as the next hop, but when i try from the aruba side it still announce the next hop ip from its neighbor.

    I can't find anything in the white paper other that this.

    Can it be a bug? version 10.07.010, this is in my lab setup, but i need to configure it on our production this saturday 


    Morten Johannsen

  • 2.  RE: ibgp next hop self

    Posted Mar 02, 2022 03:26 AM
    Hi Morten

    did you clear the BGP session after setting the option? If soft-configuration is not active, you need to re-establish the BGP session to take new settings into account.

    If it still doesn't work, please share your configuration for review.


    Thomas Siegenthaler

  • 3.  RE: ibgp next hop self

    Posted Mar 02, 2022 06:24 AM
    just to make sure the behavior is understood: the command is applied between iBGP speakers, and the effect will be that eBGP learnt routes (not iBGP routes)
    will get advertised with the IP address of the iBGP speaker the command has been set on.

    Vincent Giles

  • 4.  RE: ibgp next hop self

    Posted Mar 02, 2022 06:43 AM
    Hi Vincent.

    Its a iBGP router reflecter client, and the routes is coming from iBGP neigbors, i can see in Cisco you can put a cli after the neighbor x.x.x.x next-hop-self "all"

    Is it only working with eBGP router learned?


    Morten Johannsen

  • 5.  RE: ibgp next hop self

    Posted Mar 02, 2022 07:34 AM
    Edited by vincent.giles Mar 02, 2022 07:35 AM
    all (after next-hop-self) is an option that was introduced by Cisco for partial mesh iBGP network (typically WAN/MAN).
    The next-hop-self command (without all) exists since decades and was introduced to "hide" eBGP next-hops behind the border iBGP speaker using this command towards other iBGP speakers (typically route-reflectors).
    So, Aruba follows standards on that part as many others do.

    I may ask why you would need the "all" keyword in the context of LAN where peering to RR might be possible. May be a small deployment
    without RR and trying to avoid full-mesh ?
    If this is really important for you, please reach out to your local SE or innovation zone with ID so that I can push for it internally (thanks to your explanation of design/operational need).

    Vincent Giles

  • 6.  RE: ibgp next hop self

    Posted Mar 02, 2022 07:57 AM
    hi again.

    Ok thx, the way im fixing it now is with inject the ptp network between my rr clients so its working but not the best way of doing that.

    its a temporary solution right now cause when we are done with moving all our sites to our Arubaos-cx 8400 its the only route reflector "cluster" left, but right now iv got one the 1 route refelctor side 10 neighbors with 7 vrf  and on the other route reflector side 180 neigbors with 7 vrf each.

    Morten Johannsen