You need to use a S/N of a device affected by the documentation.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 27, 2023 07:16 AM
From: JL24
Subject: IGMP Snooping defective if TTL=1 or TTL>255 in packet :O
Well it seems to be quite hard to open case to TAC about documentation which has no serial number...
Jori Luoto
AV-IT Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 24, 2023 06:33 AM
From: JL24
Subject: IGMP Snooping defective if TTL=1 or TTL>255 in packet :O
Flooding means for me that multicast is converted to broadcast just like there is no igmp processing there at all. Document gives information that if mc packet's ttl is 1 or over (or equal) 255 then igmp snoping process is overrided and packet will be broadcasted into all L2 targets available.
I will open tac for this one to atleast clarify text there in document.
Jori Luoto
AV-IT Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 24, 2023 06:19 AM
From: Zac67
Subject: IGMP Snooping defective if TTL=1 or TTL>255 in packet :O
TTL=1 means process but do not forward/route on the network layer. Casting that packet on the current L2 segment/VLAN (data link layer) is correct processing, just don't route it anywhere else. E.g. if you originate a multicast packet with TTL=1 that means "multicast in the current segment only, do not route".
TTL>255 must be a typo as the largest possible value for an 8-bit field is 255.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 13, 2023 07:59 AM
From: JL24
Subject: IGMP Snooping defective if TTL=1 or TTL>255 in packet :O
Hello all,
While checking another things from inet my eyes catched next line from page Considerations when configuring IGMP about AOS-CX IGMP considerations:
"Multicast traffic will be flooded on the VLAN, if TTL=1 or TTL>255 regardless of IGMP joins and group membership within the VLAN."
I'm 99% sure that this is not true (Dante audio signals has TTL=1 and one of my client runs well over 200 channels of audio and no 340mbps streams onsight there..)
Is there certain situations where this statement is true?
Jori Luoto
AV-IT Specialist