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  • 1.  iMC 7.0 failover installation on virtual machines (using VMWare or Hyper V)

    Posted Oct 29, 2013 05:55 PM


    We are trying to install an iMC 7.0 in a failover scenario but I can not find documentation of how to do that. The only document I have found in internet is iMC Stateful Failover Deployment Guide 3.43 and on HP´s web page on iMC documents does not mention the installation process for iMC in stateful failover.


    I do not know if someone have had the experience installing iMC 7.0 in stateful failover or have documentation about that (maybe using virtual machines).



  • 2.  RE: iMC 7.0 failover installation on virtual machines (using VMWare or Hyper V)

    Posted Aug 17, 2014 05:57 AM

    HI Gustavo,


      Were you able to find any document to implement the HP IMC Statefailover? I am stuck in similar issue. Too bad the community here is pretty much inactive

  • 3.  RE: iMC 7.0 failover installation on virtual machines (using VMWare or Hyper V)

    Posted Aug 20, 2014 01:00 PM

    You want to do a an active/passive setup with 2 IMC servers ?

  • 4.  RE: iMC 7.0 failover installation on virtual machines (using VMWare or Hyper V)

    Posted Oct 08, 2014 08:13 AM

    Documentation sure is lacking or hard to find.


    As far as I understand there are two ways to setup IMC HA, that is stateless and statefull.


    Statefull requires some kind of cluster, not sure if it is an IMC cluster service or MS cluster service.


    Stateless requires the Active IMC to do backup and the standby IMC to do restore.

    Default you can only do it once a day, you can script it more frequently.

    You can transfer via SMB share or FTP.


    I do fail to see how you can shift the IMC IP address to the Standby server or what about sub servers, well they will work if the IP address shifts to the standby server.

