Network Management

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  • 1.  IMC 7.3 (E0503) - missing download

    Posted Jan 19, 2017 05:09 AM


    IMC 7.3 information is online.

    So, when will the software itself be available?





  • 2.  RE: IMC 7.3 (E0503) - missing download

    Posted Jan 26, 2017 12:51 AM

    [Update] it should be posted and available tomorrow (27th).  Be sure to read the release notes, there were some windows updates that cause issues with the db connection.  The solution is documented in the release notes (the installer should check for the existince of the updates and provide warning, but better to check ahead of time to be sure)

    I would expect it should be up very soon.  I'm checking, will update if I find otherwise.



  • 3.  RE: IMC 7.3 (E0503) - missing download

    Posted Jan 27, 2017 11:12 AM