Network Management

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  • 1.  IMC 7.3 E0706 DBMAN Backup

    Posted Sep 15, 2021 10:33 AM
    Edited by Greg_W Sep 16, 2021 12:36 PM
    Hi all,

    I am planning to migrate the Database from a MS-SQL2014 to MS-SQL2019 but I get an error while using dbman to do a database backup on the SQL2014.

    IMC is deployed on WinSrv2012R2 also the SQL2014. DBMAN is deploy over Deployment Manager as slave. The file on the DB-server will be create but it cannot be transfered to the IMC-server.

    Here the debug log of dbman:

    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [Remove] Remove file: C:\Program Files\iMC\dbman\bin\dbop.sql.log
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [Client::connect_to_server] Starting connect to
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [Client::connect_to_server] Established connection to
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [My_Accept_Handler::handle_input] Connection established
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Receive encode length: 24
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] After debase64 length: 16
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Receive command code: 10005
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Receive iMSG_V001_REMOTE_BACKUP_ONEDBFILE_REQ data_len = 256
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Succeed to create BackupDBase thread
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [CDbBackup::BackupOneLocalDBase] Ready to backup 'C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db'
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDbBase::ExecSql] Input sql: BACKUP DATABASE icc_db
    TO DISK = 'C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db'

    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [WriteFile] Write file C:\Program Files\iMC\dbman\bin\dbop.sql.
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [runCommand] runCommand result OK. ret=0, WIFEXITED(ret)=1, WEXITSTATUS(ret)=0
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [CDbBase::ExecSql] ---------------------------Exec command VOER.---------------------------
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDbBase::ExecSql] Exec sql log: Processed 608 pages for database 'icc_db', file 'PRMDATA01' on file 1.

    Processed 120 pages for database 'icc_db', file 'PRMDATA02' on file 1.

    Processed 152 pages for database 'icc_db', file 'PRMDATA03' on file 1.

    Processed 2 pages for database 'icc_db', file 'LOG01' on file 1.

    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 882 pages in 0.045 seconds

    (152.962 MB/sec).

    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [Remove] Remove file: C:\Program Files\iMC\dbman\bin\dbop.sql.log
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [Remove] Remove file: C:\Program Files\iMC\dbman\bin\dbop.sql
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [CDbBackup::BackupOneLocalDBase] Success to backup 'C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db'
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [GetFileSize] -1 == res : Fail to open file: C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db, errno: 2
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [CDbBackup::BackupOneLocalDBase] ifAuto: 0;ifTrans: 0;bakDbIp: ,bakDBReceivePath:
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [Client::connect_to_server] Starting connect to
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [Client::connect_to_server] Established connection to
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [My_Accept_Handler::handle_input] Connection established
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Receive encode length: 24
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] After debase64 length: 16
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Receive command code: 10010
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [DEBUG] [CDataConnStreamQueueT::deal_msg] Succeed to create FileTrans thread
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [FileTrans] Dbman space is enough, trans files is safety.
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [Client::send_filetrans_msg] Dbman space check ok, preparing to transfer files(C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db).
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [Client::send_filetrans_msg] (errno is 2) Open file fail: C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [CDbBackup::BackupOneLocalDBase] file trans failed
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [FileTrans] Failed to write file:C:\Users\Username\Documents\Hostname@icc_db_imc_icc_db_20210915_134215_full.db. File size error. Size:0, just size: -1
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [response_err_code] errCode = -1
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [INFO] [sendTrapAlert] Send trap success

    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [response_err_code] errCode = -8
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [Client::send_backupdbase_msg] Remote return error: Database backup failed when backup
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [WARNING] [CDbBackup::BackupAllDataBase] Backup database: icc_db failed
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [ManualBackupDase] manual backing fail
    2021-09-15 13:43:49 [ERROR] [response_err_code] errCode = -1

    Do you have any idea or solution?

    Best regards

  • 2.  RE: IMC 7.3 E0706 DBMAN Backup

    Posted Oct 14, 2024 05:44 PM

    Hi MrPfiff

    Have You found solution for this problem ? I have the same problem.

    Thanks in advance


  • 3.  RE: IMC 7.3 E0706 DBMAN Backup

    Posted Oct 15, 2024 02:11 AM
    Edited by IvoVelikov Oct 15, 2024 02:49 AM

    Hello there,

    the first thing you should check is the connection between the iMC server and the database server.

    There are two tools - osql or conntest - that can help you. The screenshots below are showing successful connection, if you see something else, you need to fix the connection:


    Please also check the Environment tab of the iDMA, are there any errors?

    Best Regadrs,


  • 4.  RE: IMC 7.3 E0706 DBMAN Backup

    Posted Oct 15, 2024 09:18 AM


    Thank You for response 

    In the environment tab I have no error, but I see that two processes has not started, it is EUPLAT and SEPLAT 

    OSQL test pass ok 

    but conntest seems not

    We have MSSQL Cluster 

    It seems that backup on remote server is going ok but the problem is with transfering files to HPE IMC server:

    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [Client::send_filetrans_msg] (errno is 2) Open file fail: C:/Program Files/iMC/dbman\bak\
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [INFO] [CDbBackup::BackupOneLocalDBase] file trans failed
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [INFO] [sendTrapAlert] Send trap success 
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [response_err_code] errCode = -8
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [Client::send_backupdbase_msg] Remote return error: Database backup failed when backup
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [WARNING] [CDbBackup::BackupAllDataBase] Backup database: aclm_db failed
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [ManualBackupDase] manual backing fail
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [FileTrans] Failed to write file:D:\backup\ File size error. Size:0, just size: -1
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [DEBUG] [Remove] Remove file: C:\Program Files\iMC\server\bin\..\..\dbman\etc\LastOperationResult.conf
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [response_err_code] errCode = -1
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [DEBUG] [CLorOper::modifyLor] Write file LastOperationResult.conf: Result=Backup failed.
    ErrorReport=Database backup or bulk operation failed.
    Tips=If you cannot obtain the failure reason from the ErrorReport, view the dbman/log/dbman.log and dbman_debug.log files.
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [DEBUG] [WriteFile] Write file C:\Program Files\iMC\server\bin\..\..\dbman\etc\LastOperationResult.conf.
    2024-10-15 15:14:05 [ERROR] [response_err_code] errCode = -1

  • 5.  RE: IMC 7.3 E0706 DBMAN Backup

    Posted Oct 15, 2024 10:17 AM

    Hello Karol,

    please check in the dbman_debug.log if you will see success messages like the one below:

    If you don't see them, you need first to fix that issue.

    Regarding the not-starting processes, I think this should be further investigated, please check the release notes of some of the newer iMC versions (in case you are not running the latest one - 7.3 (E0710P04)) for some known issues.

    I doubt both problems are related. If you have an active support contract that includes iMC, you always can open a case for the TAC.

    Best Regards,


  • 6.  RE: IMC 7.3 E0706 DBMAN Backup

    Posted Oct 23, 2024 09:57 AM

    Hi Ivaylo

    I can see entries in logs like this 

    2024-10-23 15:16:24 [INFO] [Client::connect_to_server] Starting connect to <ip-adress> 2810
    2024-10-23 15:16:24 [DEBUG] [My_Accept_Handler::handle_input] Connection established <ip-adress>
    2024-10-23 15:16:24 [INFO] [Client::connect_to_server] Established connection to <ip-adress>: 2810

    Yes, probably problems are not related 

    I will create case in TAC 

    Best regards
