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IMC logon PLAT 7.3 (E0705P07)

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  • 1.  IMC logon PLAT 7.3 (E0705P07)

    Posted Nov 25, 2020 09:56 AM
    I have a new IMC server with patch level "PLAT 7.3 (E0705P07)" after logging in I always get the message:

    "To ensure security, please go to the System> Operator Management> Password Strategy page to change the password complexity requirement to Must contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters."

    My password has 10 characters 2 special characters 2 numbers

    As a requirement I even have: Cannot be zero / No Requirement (Complexity) and Permanent (Period) set.

    Why does the hint always come ???


    Thomas Ley