Looking on log files I found the following error:
On "dmalog.txt":
2013-03-11 13:48:31 [ERROR] [SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-5] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.tasks.BuildDatabaseTask$DatabaseBuilderWorker::doInBackground(902)] Execute database script error! return value: 4. For details, see log file: /etc/iMC-Reserved/log/dbresult_2013031113482916.log
On the dbresult_2013031113482916.log:
===========SFLOW Create Table ==============
Creating table tbl_nta_conv10mins_if
Table created.
create bitmap index ix_tbl_nta_conv10mins_if on tbl_nta_conv10mins_if (collection_time, dev_ip, if_index, is_in)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Bit-mapped indexes
Searching on web I found some comments that "bit-mapped indexes" requires Oracle Enterprise, but the IMC documentation does not reffer to it, the closest one it's the step on Oracle installation guide where "Enterprise edition" should be selected.
It's required to install the Performance Management Module ?!
Felicio Santos.