Network Management

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  • 1.  iMC PLAT 7.3 (E0605P06) enviroment tab not working

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 06:34 AM


    After deploy updates iMC PLAT 7.3 (E0605P06)  is working good, but the enviroment of monitorimg agent is not working. And backup/restore DB function not working too.

    In dbman_debug.log of iMC and msSQL servers have not errors.

    In logs:
    c:\Program Files\iMC\deploy\log\dmalog.txt

    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=aclm_db, userName=imc_aclm, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=config_db, userName=imc_config, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=icc_db, userName=imc_icc, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=invent_db, userName=imc_inventory, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=monitor_db, userName=imc_monitor, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=perf_db, userName=imc_perf, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=reportplat_db, userName=reportplat, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=report_db, userName=report, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=syslog_db, userName=imc_syslog, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=vlanm_db, userName=vlan, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(84)] DatabaseConfig{type=SQLServer, address=, port=1436, name=vnm_db, userName=imc_vnm, password=, instanceName=sql2k8}
    2021-08-25 12:24:21 [INFO ] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(86)] checkDatabaseVersion
    2021-08-25 12:24:36 [ERROR] [iMC-Database-Connect-Check] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.dma.monitor.DatabaseConnectMonitor::run(86)] Connect to database error The TCP/IP connection to the host, port 1436 has failed. Error: "Network is unreachable: connect. Verify the connection properties. Make sure that an instance of SQL Server is running on the host and accepting TCP/IP connections at the port. Make sure that TCP connections to the port are not blocked by a firewall.".
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
    2021-08-25 12:54:06 [INFO ] [iMC-Stack-Trace-Printer] [com.h3c.imc.deploy.StackTracePrinter::run(43)] thread id: 32, name: Thread-11, TIMED_WAITING
    java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)

    The TCP/IP connection to the host, port 1436 has failed. - is old ip address of mssql server, it whose renamed to many years ago...

    Searching in configuration files do not have result...

    Search text "" in all files on drive c: not give result. The string is finded in older log files

    May be in database saved it old connection string?



  • 2.  RE: iMC PLAT 7.3 (E0605P06) enviroment tab not working

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 08:02 AM



    DB address is stored in server.addr.xml file , path: -:\Program Files\iMC\common\conf.

    Do you mean this heppened after installing Windows updates or you upgraded  the iMC server with another  iMC version?

    You can use the osql command   to check the connection to db server from iMC server cmd . This is osql -S (ip aaddress of the db server) -U sa -P (password for sa user).


    Kind regards,

  • 3.  RE: iMC PLAT 7.3 (E0605P06) enviroment tab not working

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 08:07 AM


    There are two files you can check for the old IP address, which would need adjusting manually if the DB IP changes:

    * iMC\common\conf\server-addr.xml - which is used by the processes to locate the DB (among other things) when starting up

    * Windows\iMC-Reserved\instinfo.txt - which is encrypted and contains important details about the iMC installation like 'sa' username and password for the DB... this is probably what is causing your issue.

    instinfo.txt cannot be read or modified directly. You will need to open an Admin CMD prompt on the server, navigate to iMC\deploy folder, and then run the instInfoMgr.bat -query command to check the DB address stored in this file. If it's incorrect, you can modify it with -modify option instead, like instInfoMgr.bat -modify dbAddr= which will set the address to the new one you are using. Remember to restart iMC afterwards for the change to take effect.

  • 4.  RE: iMC PLAT 7.3 (E0605P06) enviroment tab not working

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 08:46 AM

    In configuration files, as is server-addr.xml ip addres is correct
    Used the instInfoMgr.bat - is resolve my problem! Thx you!

    c:\Program Files\iMC\deploy>instInfoMgr.bat -query
    Database Address :
    Database Admin Username : hpimc
    Database Admin Password : user
    Database Port : 1436
    Database Instance Name : sql2k8

    c:\Program Files\iMC\deploy>instInfoMgr.bat -modify dbAddr=
    The following is the properties modification information, Press 'Enter' to confirm!
    dbAddr :

    Change install info successfully!Please restart Intelligent Management Server and iMC.

    c:\Program Files\iMC\deploy>instInfoMgr.bat -query
    Database Address :
    Database Admin Username : user
    Database Admin Password :
    Database Port : 1436
    Database Instance Name : sql2k8

    Run backup and database backed up succesfully!


    Next step need for migrate msSQL and Windows server form 2008 to 2016.

    I have IMC Windows Migration Guide.pdf ))