Network Management

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  • 1.  IMC privileges - how to ?

    Posted Jan 26, 2021 05:38 AM

    Hi, I'm new to IMC, looking for advice ,

    I would like to add one of users ability to turn on or off some particular ports of one of my switches. Is it possible to give him only this possibility to do this ? If yes where can I choose those ports to assign them to this user ?



  • 2.  RE: IMC privileges - how to ?

    Posted Jan 29, 2021 05:20 AM

    Hello Tomek,

    IMC does provide some fairly granular access control to its web interface features and managed devices via the System > Operator Management > Operator Group page. You can create your own groups and specify which IMC features the members of said groups are able to access, along with which device groups/devices they can manage. However while you can restrict which devices the operators can manage, there is currently no option to allow access only to specific ports on those devices. Giving an operator access to manage a device means they will be able to Up/Down any ports on the device.

    If you need this feature added in IMC, I would suggest opening a Feature Request via your HPE Account Manager / Sales contact.

  • 3.  RE: IMC privileges - how to ?

    Posted Jan 29, 2021 05:45 AM
    in the meantime I manage to do all I wanted
    I put some ports in the group and added access to a new user. But I could not change port properties. And I figure out with changing user access from visitor to maintainer.

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    Tomasz Rajkowski

    Koordynator projektów informatycznych

    PLC Doradztwo Informatyczne

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