I tested iMC_UAM_7.1_E0302P06 update. My windows machine authentication using PEAP/mschapV2 and the computer account does not work, giving this error:
Account Name computer
Login Name host/WS500X.domain.com
Authentication Failure Cause E63121::receive no packet from mschapv2server.
Failed at 2015-01-11 11:45:46
User IP Address
User MAC Address B8:AC:6F:32:B3:46
Device IP
Device NAT IP
Port 0
Device SN
Service Name PEAP_Computer_acc_svc
Computer Name
Windows Domain
Not sure where the Inner VLAN ID of 27 is coming from as I don't specify one.
The update changes how Domain Controller-Assisted PEAP Authentication is configured, moving it from a global configuration to a part of the LDAP server configuration.
In the read me under features added:
9. LDAP servers can use different domain controllers for MS-CHAPv2 authentication. This feature is configurable under User > User Access Policy > LDAP Service > LDAP Server .
And modified:
4.The LDAP parameters were moved from the system parameter settings page to the LDAP Service menu. This feature is configurable under User > User Access Policy > LDAP Service > LDAP Parameters.
Under Other problems:
PEAP-MSCHAPv2 is not supported by PCs using machine authentication.
So how is the computer authentication now supposed to work??
Is it temporarily broken and will be fixed, or is it eliminated?
This is a big change without much documentation except as above. My authentication strategy has been using this for the last few years in PCM and now IMC - now its not supported anymore??? Not happy about this.
I was not able to do extensive testing - I only have the production instance at this time - I snapshotted it fortunately before deploying and testing this update, so I rolled it back.
Any insight on this would be appreciated. If you use computer authentication beware of this update!
BTW the ability to use multiple DC's is handy but still....