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  • 1.  Impact of promoting subscriber to publisher

    Posted Sep 09, 2015 04:12 PM



    I'm going to be adding a new server to a Clearpass cluster (all hardware appliances) and I'd like to make that new subscriber the  publisher. The existing publisher is kind of old and the new server has much more HD and memory so I'd like to make this the new dedicated publisher.


    We are doing RADIUS and guest, no onboarding or onguarding yet. I see in the docs that the application licenses will be deactivated when you promote to publisher, does this mean the guest license will be deactivated? I'm assuming the policy manager licenses will be OK. What is the impact if the guest license is deactivated, will guest services still work and I'll just have to have support re-activate the license?


    Also is there any other impact of changing the publisher that I'm missing?

  • 2.  RE: Impact of promoting subscriber to publisher
    Best Answer

    Posted Sep 10, 2015 10:22 AM

    I talked to the TAC about this and they said the deactivation doesn't always happen. But if it does it just requires a normal activation via the GUI with the license key.  Don't have to necesarily  call support to get it resolved.


    BTW I did the promation last night and did not have to re-activate the guest application.

  • 3.  RE: Impact of promoting subscriber to publisher

    Posted Apr 24, 2019 10:10 AM

    Is the action of promoting a server to a publisher service affecting ?