Network Management

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  • 1.  Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Mar 16, 2015 02:25 PM

    Trying to import controllers into Airwave via CSV files.  CSV file is set up as follows:

    Line 1:

    IP Address,SNMP Community String,Name,Type, Auth Password,SNMPv3 Auth Protocol,Privacy Password,SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol,SNMPv3 Username,Telnet Username,Telnet Password,Enable Password,SNMP Port

    Lines 2 thru 28

    Comma delimited values matching those headings.


    Error message is:  SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol: invalid value. SNMPv3 Auth Protocol: invalid value.  I set these values to match those in the Device Setup > Communication > SNMPv3 Informs User entry (MD5 and AES).

  • 2.  RE: Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Mar 16, 2015 02:49 PM

    Pretty sure I have this working.  The Auth Type and Privacy protocol appear to be case sensitive in the CSV file.

  • 3.  RE: Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Mar 16, 2015 03:37 PM

    I attempted to do the same, and it worked for me.  here's a copy of what my csv looked like:


    [root@airwave tmp]# cat controller.csv
    IP Address,SNMP Community String,Name,Type,Auth Password,SNMPv3 Auth Protocol,Privacy Password,SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol,SNMPv3 Username,Telnet Username,Telnet Password,Enable Password,SNMP Port,public,,,snmp3user,md5,snmp3user,aes,snmp3user,,,,


    I did cheat a little by using excel to generate the csv to make sure I had enough comma's to make the data line up.  I did try to type the data a few different ways and looks like it's case sensitive to using lowercase md5/aes which I'm filing a defect for.

  • 4.  RE: Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Mar 16, 2015 04:21 PM

    Interesting.  I did the same thing.  All collumn headers are the same.  I don't have all the stuff below it populated, just the IP, and SNMPv3 info (collumns1,6-9).  The first CSV import of about 40 controllers worked when I changed the MD5 and AES to lower case.  The 2nd and 3rd CSVs won't import at all despite being lower case.

  • 5.  RE: Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Mar 16, 2015 04:26 PM

    For all lines in CSV

    Error parsing line 2 (IP x.x.x.x): Device ignored, or approved in wrong group/folder.

  • 6.  RE: Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Mar 16, 2015 04:31 PM

    Can you do a check of the db to see if the other IPs already have entries?


    # dbcsv "select id,name,state,ap_folder_id,ap_group_id from ap where apparent_ip='<conflicting IP>';"

    If it does exist, you can delete or move the entry to the proper folder/group from the UI.  If it's in state=3, then you can delete from the db and then re-add manually or using the import from CSV.

  • 7.  RE: Import CSV to Airwave Event Log Errors

    Posted Apr 22, 2022 02:37 PM
    Edited by eorlando Apr 22, 2022 02:37 PM
    Hello there, hate to reply on a really old thread but, did you ever resolve this?  I'm giving my first go at this CSV import and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.  I'm following the instructions exactly.  Per the Syslog, it detects conflicts (IP addresses on already-added devices) but for the rest, it's just "Device ignored, or approved in wrong group/folder."  ugh

    Eric Orlando