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  • 1.  Incrementing Endpoint Attribute

    Posted Jun 21, 2016 08:58 AM

    Hi All


    I'm working on somethig with clearpass and I need some help. I have a custom endpoint attribute added to the attributes dictionary (an integer) and I need to increment this value by 1 using an enforcement profile. I guess this would need to me to add a filter to the Endpoints Repository Authentication Source that will return the attribute and add 1, but I don't know what table the attribute value is stored in and SQL isn't my strong point.

    I would appreciate any pointers.





  • 2.  RE: Incrementing Endpoint Attribute
    Best Answer

    Posted Jul 01, 2016 08:52 AM

    Hi All


    I sat down and learned some SQL and got this figured out, the SQL query is below in case it is useful to anyone else.


    You will have to look at the tips_tag_definitions table to find the id of your attribute


    SELECT t1.tag_value::int + 1 as attrubute_plus_1 FROM tips_tag_values t1 JOIN tips_endpoint_tag_mappings t2 ON ( = t2.tag_value_id) JOIN tips_endpoints t3 ON (t2.instance_id = WHERE t1.tag_id = <id of your attribute> AND t3.mac_address = LOWER('%{Connection:Client-Mac-Address-NoDelim}');


