Network Management

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  • 1.  Insight report not generating details

    Posted May 30, 2017 03:21 PM


    Our Insight Reports have not been generating details as specified. We receive the following reports like attachment 1 when we should have them look like attachment 2. Attachment 2 was generated on 5/17/17 (the first (and last) time we received a true report).


    I've done several test reports and still receiving no information within the report. What suggestions can be made to rectify this issue?


    Thank you!



  • 2.  RE: Insight report not generating details
    Best Answer

    Posted May 31, 2017 09:58 AM

    Hi ,


    Are you seeing this issue on publisher or subscriber? Have you made any changes to the server. We could try restart async-netd service and check the status, if issue still presist, open TAC ticket.




  • 3.  RE: Insight report not generating details

    Posted May 31, 2017 03:06 PM

    We have a publisher and subscriber so I'm going to go with both as the report is pulling information from our 1 publisher and 5 subscribers. No changes that I know of have been made on the server. I'm going to open a TAC ticket to confirm what would be best to do.


    Appreciate your help!