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  • 1.  Install IMC with remote Database

    Posted Aug 13, 2010 06:29 PM


    How do to install IMC with a remote database SQL Server?

  • 2.  RE: Install IMC with remote Database

    Posted Aug 18, 2010 05:44 PM

    HI Luis,

    I´m dealing with the same problem.

    I have the SQL database 2005 in other server and I installed the SQL client in the server where I´m installing the IMC (2008 R2). I try the connection with the ODBC Data Source Administrator and it´s successful.

    When I try to install the IMC, the IMC doesn´t detect that I have that database connection available, so it doesn´t give any option to type in the Ip address of the Database Server.

    Any one has done this type of installation? any ideas?


  • 3.  RE: Install IMC with remote Database

    Posted Jan 10, 2011 07:18 PM
    I was able to get it working but it was important to have the prerequisites installed so I had a remote 2008 SQL database and it said I needed 2008 Client with Service pack 1. Try the install with just 2008 SQL Client tools nogo with SP1 Voila it works.

  • 4.  RE: Install IMC with remote Database

    Posted Feb 24, 2011 10:52 AM

    Hi, I have a document from 3COM Knowledgebase from October 2010 that states that in order to install a remote database, you need to start SQL Server 2008 Setup and during 'Feature Selection', you have to check the following options:

    client tools connectivity

    client tools backwards compatibility

    client tools sdk

    management tools - basic

    management tools - complete

    sql client connectivity sdk

    microsoft sync framework


    Regards, Patrick

  • 5.  RE: Install IMC with remote Database

    Posted Oct 08, 2014 08:25 AM

    Just follow the deployment guides available now and you should be good.