I've got a few dozen Meshs' on site, and I'm trying to set up a new one in a new cluster, and I can't figure out why these two IAPs wont mesh.
2x IAP 375, v8.6
Booted up on the same switch, configured static IP's on both, set up a Test SSID with PSK.
Mesh Portal stays connected to the switch
extended SSID is disabled
IAP to be Mesh Point is set with eth0 bridging, uplink VLAN defined.
Mesh Point is moved off the switch and powered up via PoE injector. They are in the same room within reasonable distance of each other.
I don' t recognize the MACs that show up, guessing these are the BSSID MACs.
On Point:
MeshPointTest# sho ap mesh li
Neighbor list
MAC Portal Channel Age Hops Cost Relation Flags RSSI Rate Tx/Rx A-Req A-Resp A-Fail HT-Details Cluster ID
--- ------ ------- --- ---- ---- ----------------- ----- ---- ---------- ----- ------ ------ ---------- ----------
fc:7f:f1:78:2c:b0 Yes 149E 0 0 4.00 P 38m:39s VLK 61 1733/1733 1 1 0 VHT-80MHzsgi-4ss c906b704d73655aa4b4276858bf06f8
On the Portal:
DeskTest# sho ap mesh li
Neighbor list
MAC Portal Channel Age Hops Cost Relation Flags RSSI Rate Tx/Rx A-Req A-Resp A-Fail HT-Details Cluster ID
--- ------ ------- --- ---- ---- ----------------- ----- ---- ---------- ----- ------ ------ ---------- ----------
fc:7f:f1:78:e1:51 fc:7f:f1:78:2c:b0 149E 0 1 7.00 C 37m:56s VLK 68 1733/1733 1 1 0 VHT-80MHzsgi-4ss c906b704d73655aa4b4276858bf06f8
The Correct Cluster ID is there. I've tried various PoE+ injectors, and nothing seems to work.
Is there something obvious I'm missing? I've done these a dozen times before without issue.