Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Instant 375 Mesh

    Posted Jun 09, 2022 01:51 PM
    Edited by DaveSpencer Jun 09, 2022 01:54 PM
    I've got a few dozen Meshs' on site, and I'm trying to set up a new one in a new cluster, and I can't figure out why these two IAPs wont mesh.

    2x IAP 375, v8.6
    Booted up on the same switch, configured static IP's on both, set up a Test SSID with PSK.
    Mesh Portal stays connected to the switch
    extended SSID is disabled
    IAP to be Mesh Point is set with eth0 bridging, uplink VLAN defined.
    Mesh Point is moved off the switch and powered up via PoE injector. They are in the same room within reasonable distance of each other.

    I don' t recognize the MACs that show up, guessing these are the BSSID MACs.

    On Point:
    MeshPointTest# sho ap mesh li
    Neighbor list
    MAC                Portal  Channel  Age  Hops  Cost  Relation                 Flags  RSSI  Rate Tx/Rx  A-Req  A-Resp  A-Fail  HT-Details        Cluster ID
    ---                ------  -------  ---  ----  ----  -----------------        -----  ----  ----------  -----  ------  ------  ----------        ----------
    fc:7f:f1:78:2c:b0  Yes     149E     0    0     4.00  P 38m:39s                VLK    61    1733/1733   1      1       0       VHT-80MHzsgi-4ss  c906b704d73655aa4b4276858bf06f8

    On the Portal:
    DeskTest# sho ap mesh li
    Neighbor list
    MAC                Portal             Channel  Age  Hops  Cost  Relation                 Flags  RSSI  Rate Tx/Rx  A-Req  A-Resp  A-Fail  HT-Details        Cluster ID
    ---                ------             -------  ---  ----  ----  -----------------        -----  ----  ----------  -----  ------  ------  ----------        ----------
    fc:7f:f1:78:e1:51  fc:7f:f1:78:2c:b0  149E     0    1     7.00  C 37m:56s                VLK    68    1733/1733   1      1       0       VHT-80MHzsgi-4ss  c906b704d73655aa4b4276858bf06f8

    The Correct Cluster ID is there. I've tried various PoE+ injectors, and nothing seems to work.

    Is there something obvious I'm missing? I've done these a dozen times before without issue.

  • 2.  RE: Instant 375 Mesh

    Posted Jun 09, 2022 07:38 PM
    the K flag shows that they are connected, so the mesh link has formed.

    check this technote perhaps you can compare it against it.


    Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba.

  • 3.  RE: Instant 375 Mesh

    Posted Jun 10, 2022 07:58 AM
    I've reviewd the techntoe and everything looks to be configured properly.

    Even though we see the K Flag for connected, the mesh point isn't shown in the topology, and isn't displayed in the swarm, and doesn't appear in the VC GUI.

  • 4.  RE: Instant 375 Mesh

    Posted Jun 14, 2022 11:05 AM
    Adding an Update - I have a TAC case open, trying to identify if there is a bug that makes it so IAP-375 are unable to mesh on version 8.6 thru 8.10

  • 5.  RE: Instant 375 Mesh

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 05:17 PM
    Does the portal side have any other SSIDs? Or is it just a bridge to the point?

    I've got 2 IAP-515s in portal going to 2 more 515s at as a point. Each having a different endpoint on the  local point's ethernet. 

    This is using and it works fine. The customer requirement was just a mesh portal and point bridge setup, so I didn't add any other SSIDs.

    The good thing about the 4 in a single cluster is the two portals back each other up. If the active one dies, the backup takes over to the two points.

    These are L2 bridges to the same /24 network.




  • 6.  RE: Instant 375 Mesh
    Best Answer

    Posted Jun 17, 2022 02:38 PM
    After working with TAC, turns out that the 5ghz band defaults were too strong for our test environment, and the prod environment we were initially trying to provision at. The APs were too close to each other for the power that was set.

    After lowering the min and max power for ARM, we're seeing the mesh form.