What is the general network interoperability of Cisco and HP switches? I am contemplating replacing some Cisco 4506-E switches in stages with HP 5400R/ZL2 gear. It looks like the budget costs will be too high to do it all in a single year.
($14,000 for a new supervisor 7A per 4500-E switch, just so I can maintain the same functional level of operation and product replacement support we have now with the end-of-life supervisor 6A?? Ridiculous! Save me HP Lifetime Warranty 2.0, you're my only hope!)
I currently use Cisco UC560 (also about to go end-of-life) VOIP phones with the voice VLAN, and a Cisco 5508 public wifi VLAN, but other than that, the network structure is not very complicated.
Typical small server room with desktop computer and POE phone endpoints.
Though I might need multiple spanning tree interoperability support. I have no idea if that's possible between HP and Cisco gear.