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  • 1.  IP based static host list usage

    Posted Jul 07, 2018 03:39 PM



    how can an IP address based SHL be used in a role mapping profile?


    We want to assign a role based on the client IP address of a VPN client where the the Radius:IETF:Tunnel-Client-Endpoint attribute matches an entry in the (IP based) SHL.


    This seems to work when using


    as it allows to match on a SHL (belongs_to_group).


    But we don´t get that attribute from the VPN gateway.

    We only get Radius:IETF:Tunnel-Client-Endpoint


    Essentially, VPN clients behind specified NAT IPs that connect to VPN gateways should get a dedicated role assigned.

    Based on that role, enforcement should sent an attribute to the VPN gateway to treat those clients special.


    Is there a way to make Radius:IETF:Tunnel-Client-Endpoint also match on entries in a SHL?









  • 2.  RE: IP based static host list usage

    Posted Jul 25, 2018 04:23 AM

    Is Radius:IETF:Tunnel-Client-Endpoint in the Radius:IETF dictionary in ClearPass?

    If not, export the dictionary, modify the XML to include the attribute (number 66 I think) and re-import it.

  • 3.  RE: IP based static host list usage

    Posted Jul 25, 2018 04:47 AM

    Thanks for the reply.


    The attribute is in the dictionary already:

    <Attribute profile="in out" type="String" name="Tunnel-Client-Endpoint" id="66" extraData="has_tag"/>


    Problem is that in Role Mapping the operator doesn´t contain the "BELONGS_TO_GROUP" option.


    That operator option is there when Radius:IETF:Calling-Station-Id is matched instead of Radius:IETF:Tunnel-Client-Endpoint.

    But the Calling-Station-ID attribute isn´t sent from our VPN gateway (Pulse Connect Secure).


    Where is controlled which operator option is available for a Radius attribute?




  • 4.  RE: IP based static host list usage

    Posted Jul 25, 2018 05:23 AM

    Ah ok, this is because the RADIUS attribute 'Calling-Station-ID' has the type of Group and 'Tunnel-Client-Endpoint' has the type of String.


    You can only use the BELONGS_TO_GROUP operator on Group attributes.



    EDIT - I'm not sure whether you could amend the RADIUS IETF dictionary to make 'Tunnel-Client-Endpoint' a group attribute or even if this would work. Probably dangerous to play with the dictionary in this way?!?

  • 5.  RE: IP based static host list usage

    Posted Jul 25, 2018 06:41 AM

    Both attributes have type String in the dictionary.

    There is no type group at all.

    Seems that distinction is made somewhere else.


    I don´t plan to play around with the dictionary in that way.

    But I guess it is not time to reach out to our SE.


