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Irf between 5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ JG336A and a 5940-48XGT-6QSP+ JH394A

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  • 1.  Irf between 5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ JG336A and a 5940-48XGT-6QSP+ JH394A

    Posted May 29, 2019 04:25 PM


    im trying to create an irf between a 5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ JG336A and a 5940-48XGT-6QSP+ JH394A 

    when configuring the irf, the error said : 

    %Jan 1 03:32:35:346 2011 HPE IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface Forty GigE2/0/52 changed to up.
    [HPE]%Jan 1 03:32:36:462 2011 HPE STM/6/STM_LINK_UP: IRF port 2 came up.

    The PEX mode configurations should be the same on devices in one IRF.Please check them on the neighbor device connected to IRF-port 2
    %Jan 1 03:32:36:751 2011 HPE STM/3/STM_SOMER_CHECK: Neighbor of IRF port 2 can't be stacked.
    %Jan 1 03:32:36:954 2011 HPE STM/3/STM_LINK_DOWN: IRF port 2 went down.

    i can also see in the defaut config that :
    pex system-working-mode pex

    and on the 5900af there is no such setting. im not able to remove it on the 5940.

    how to i edit this PEX mode ?

    thanks for your help.

  • 2.  RE: Irf between 5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ JG336A and a 5940-48XGT-6QSP+ JH394A

    Posted May 29, 2019 04:54 PM
    An IRF can't be deployed using Switches belonging to different Switch series (HPE 5900 + HPE 5940).

    That one is a fundamental restriction which admit very few exceptions (and attempting to create an IRF using a 5900 and a 5940 together as candidate IRF members for the very same IRF fabric is not one of those ones). That is documented.

    Sorry it is a no go, a deadend road.

  • 3.  RE: Irf between 5900AF-48XGT-4QSFP+ JG336A and a 5940-48XGT-6QSP+ JH394A

    Posted May 29, 2019 05:02 PM

    Thank for your clarifications.