Location Services

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  • 1.  Is Meridian required for an ALE server?

    Posted Aug 16, 2016 03:15 AM




    I already sent a request to Aruba Sales, but haven't gotten feedback yet and need an answer quite quick.


    Do I need a Meridian Server for location based services on an ALE-server or are there any other dependencies you need?


    Kind regards,



  • 2.  RE: Is Meridian required for an ALE server?

    Posted Aug 16, 2016 06:12 AM
    ALE is a standalone service that allows third party services to leverage location and other statistic from the network. Meridian is a separate product.

  • 3.  RE: Is Meridian required for an ALE server?

    Posted Aug 16, 2016 06:16 AM

    Hi Tim,

    So Meridian isn't required for Location based tracking with ALE? Just an ALE server and Airwave?

    Kind regards,


  • 4.  RE: Is Meridian required for an ALE server?

    Posted Aug 16, 2016 06:20 AM
    Correct but remember ALE is really a connector for other applications.

    Meridian uses Bluetooth beacons for location. ALE leverages data from the wireless network.

    What are you trying to do?

  • 5.  RE: Is Meridian required for an ALE server?

    Posted Aug 16, 2016 06:27 AM

    Well from what I understood is that they want to do location based tracking through WiFi. They're using ARUBA AP and Purple WiFi for the analytics part.


    So the ALE server will function as a connector between the Purple Wifi software and Airwave I presume? (from the documentation I understood that Airwave is required?) But will I require any additional servers/services for Location Based Tracking?



  • 6.  RE: Is Meridian required for an ALE server?

    Posted Feb 14, 2017 02:52 PM

    Your understanding seems correct.

    In fact ALE server will agregate all Wifi data (RSSI, location, geofence_notify, application ...) and expose these to third party (via 0MQ message bus and rest API).

    So in your case Purple will be the third party which will connect to ALE to get data for analysis.

    And you don't even need AirWave for ALE to work. There is a node (calibration mode) in which you put the maps directly on ALE and then you calibrate with your android smartphone.


    Hope this helps,
