Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Is svc-icmp all ICMP types?

    Posted Aug 25, 2015 01:20 PM

    Does svc-icmp mean all of this:


    administratively-proh.. Administratively prohibited
    alternate-address       Alternate address
    conversion-error        Datagram conversion
    dod-host-prohibited     Host prohibited
    dod-net-prohibited      Net prohibited
    echo                    Echo (ping)
    general-parameter-pro.. Parameter problem
    host-isolated           Host isolated
    host-precedence-unrea.. Host unreachable for precedence
    host-redirect           Host redirect
    host-tos-redirect       Host redirect for TOS
    host-tos-unreachable    Host unreachable for TOS
    host-unknown            Host unknown
    host-unreachable        Host unreachable
    information-request     Information requests
    mask-request            Mask requests
    mobile-redirect         Mobile host redirect
    net-redirect            Network redirect
    net-tos-redirect        Net redirect for TOS
    net-tos-unreachable     Network unreachable for TOS
    net-unreachable         Net unreachable
    network-unknown         Network unknown
    no-room-for-option      Parameter required but no room
    option-missing          Parameter required but not present
    packet-too-big          Fragmentation needed and DF set
    parameter-problem       All parameter problems
    port-unreachable        Port unreachable
    precedence              Match packets with given precedence value
    precedence-unreachable  Precedence cutoff
    protocol-unreachable    Protocol unreachable
    reassembly-timeout      Reassembly timeout
    redirect                All redirects
    router-advertisement    Router discovery advertisements
    router-solicitation     Router discovery solicitations
    source-quench           Source quenches
    source-route-failed     Source route failed
    time-exceeded           All time exceededs
    timestamp-request       Timestamp requests
    traceroute              Traceroute
    ttl-exceeded            TTL exceeded
    unreachable             All unreachables


    Or is it a subset of the common stuff (echo, traceroute, unreachable)?

  • 2.  RE: Is svc-icmp all ICMP types?

    Posted Aug 25, 2015 01:41 PM

    I just did this to be safe:


    ip access-list session .allow-ping-traceroute
      user any icmp echo permit
      user any icmp traceroute permit


    Mine was host specific though.  Then I applied it to the role.


    *I put a . in front of my stuff to distinguish from defaults.

  • 3.  RE: Is svc-icmp all ICMP types?
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 25, 2015 01:57 PM

    It would be all of them (protocol 1).