I focus a strange problem when i use a [ArubaOS Switching - Terminate Session] enforcement profile, the radius response is vissible in accesstracker but never sends by clearpass to de NAS device. The radius response packets are not vissible in Wireshark and never sends to the NAS.
I Solved the problem by making a clone of the [ArubaOS Wireless - Terminate Session] template and change the attributes to be equal to the [ArubaOS Switching - Terminate Session] template.
It seems like i bug to me in Clearpass
The switch a 2920 with fw16.04 isnt the problem here, the problem is clearpass never sends de radius response that access tracker showns.
One thing i notice is that when i do a manualy COA in a accepted radius request in accesstracker only the wireless COA enforcement profiles are visible here.
Are other people seen the same issue here? Or do i missed something?
See also attechment with some screenshots of the issue in my test enviornment ;)