generally when a switch is stuck on Initializing state , it could indicate a defective partitition where the switch can't read the firmware.
I'll be interested in what TAC comes back with.
If my post was useful accept solution and/or give kudos.
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of HPE or Aruba.
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 17, 2023 03:24 AM
Subject: Issue with upgrade of stack four members 6300M to 10.10.1050
Hello Community,
I post here maybe someone have already this problem. I can't find anything on the net.
I had a BIIIIG problem when i upgrade my 4 four member VSF of 6300M (JL658A -> Full SFP). I was in 10.10.1010 and i upgrade to 10.10.1050.
When the upgrade was done, all my interface stay down with the reason "Initializing", so no link go up (VSF link too).
I've try many things, and no one working. I must go back i 10.10.1010 and the interface go UP.
I open a case on ASP, no back for now, maybe later.