Hello guys
I have the fallowing scenario in which i would like to know how should i configure it
I have 1 cluster
Cluster A
We will put a second cluster: Cluster B
Cluster A the APs are on the network
Cluster B the Aps will be on the network
Right now the corporate network its network assigned a vlan 5 on the network
If we wanted to roam between cluster A and cluster B how would be the config on this?
We would need to configure L3 roaming?
I see examples in the manuals of something like this:
Cluster A the APs are on the network
Cluster B the Aps are on the network
corporate vlan on cluster A is vlan 5
Coporate vlan on cluster B is vlan 6
But i was thinking that i dont really need 2 different vlans inthe corporate network just one its this possible? or i really need to put another corporate network?

Here i would put in the virtual controllers ips and in the subnet i would put just the vlan 5, but im not sure if thats a valid config
i dont know if my point is clear? im wondering because my english is not good, and could be confusing sometimes.
We can easily just trunk corporate wifi vlan to both clusters, i mean cluster A and cluster B