Wireless Access

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  • 1.  LACP don't work after reload

    Posted Nov 29, 2012 03:40 PM

    Hello everybody,

    I have a doubt with port channel configuration on AOS

    interface gigabitethernet  1/2
            description "GE1/2"
            trusted vlan 1-4094                       
            lacp timeout short
            lacp group 2 mode active
    interface gigabitethernet  1/3
            description "GE1/3"
            trusted vlan 1-4094
            lacp timeout short
            lacp group 2 mode active
    interface port-channel 2
            trusted vlan 1-4094
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk native vlan 20
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 22-23,25,37-39

    It shows that both ports are UP:

    (AOS1) #show lacp 2 internal
    Flags: S - Device is requesting slow LACPDUs
           F - Device is requesting fast LACPDUs
           A - Device is in Active mode P - Device is in Passive mode
    LACP Internal Table
    Port    Flags  Pri  AdminKey  OperKey  State  Num  Status
    ----    -----  ---  --------  -------  -----  ---  ------
    GE 1/2  FA     255  0x3       0x3      0x3f   0x3  up
    GE 1/3  FA     255  0x3       0x3      0x3f   0x4  up

    But after reload they are DOWN.

    Other side of the trunk is correct configured: the native vlan is 20 and vlans 22-23,25,37-39 are 802.1q.

  • 2.  RE: LACP don't work after reload
    Best Answer

    Posted Nov 29, 2012 08:03 PM

    try including the vlan 20 on the trunk allowed vlans..

    For example...


    interface port-channel 5


    trusted vlan 1-4094

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,21-23



    Obiusly here the native vlan is 1


    On normal trunks taht im not allowing ALL the vlans... if i dont include the native vlan to the switchport trunk allowed vlan it does not work...

    Try in your case putting that native vlan on the trunk


    In your case


    interface port-channel 2
            trusted vlan 1-4094
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk native vlan 20
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 20,22-23,25,37-39


  • 3.  RE: LACP don't work after reload

    Posted Nov 30, 2012 02:04 PM

    Thank you for solution

    It works only with native vlan 1 on both sides.

    With native vlan 20 under allowed vlans both LACP ports were DOWN after reload and don't worked

  • 4.  RE: LACP don't work after reload

    Posted Nov 30, 2012 05:32 PM

    That does not make sense... ill try doing a lab this weekend.. i wanna see that with my own eyes...


    Will come back to you with the results




  • 5.  RE: LACP don't work after reload

    Posted Dec 02, 2012 04:14 PM

    Hello again

    Here are my results.. it works pretty good here

    With an alcatel Switch...

    Here is the results




    Before Reloading
    interface port-channel 5
            add fastethernet 1/0
            add fastethernet 1/1
            trusted vlan 1-4094                       
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk native vlan 10
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,200
    (Office_Alternetworks) #show interface port-channel 5
    Port-Channel 5 is administratively up
    Hardware is Port-Channel, address is 00:00:00:00:00:00 (bia 00:0B:86:63:33:F6)
    Description: Link Aggregate
    Spanning Tree is disabled
    Switchport priority: 0
    Member port: 
        FE 1/0, Admin is up, line protocol is up
        FE 1/1, Admin is up, line protocol is up
    Last clearing of "show interface" counters 4 day 22 hr 14 min 57 sec 
    link status last changed 0 day 0 hr 0 min 5 sec
        63 packets input, 8100 bytes
        Received 21 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
        0 input error bytes, 0 CRC, 0 frame
        14 multicast, 42 unicast
        48 packets output, 20634 bytes
        0 output errors bytes, 0 deferred
        0 collisions, 0 late collisions, 0 throttles
    Port-Channel 5 is TRUSTED
    (Office_Alternetworks) #
    After Rebooting the controller
    (Office_Alternetworks) #show interface port-channel 5     
    Port-Channel 5 is administratively up
    Hardware is Port-Channel, address is 00:00:00:00:00:00 (bia 00:0B:86:63:33:F6)
    Description: Link Aggregate
    Spanning Tree is disabled
    Switchport priority: 0
    Member port: 
        FE 1/0, Admin is up, line protocol is up
        FE 1/1, Admin is up, line protocol is up
    Last clearing of "show interface" counters 0 day 0 hr 4 min 30 sec 
    link status last changed 0 day 0 hr 1 min 35 sec
        1772 packets input, 244369 bytes
        Received 1038 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
        0 input error bytes, 0 CRC, 0 frame
        554 multicast, 734 unicast
        743 packets output, 161575 bytes
        0 output errors bytes, 0 deferred
        0 collisions, 0 late collisions, 0 throttles
    Port-Channel 5 is TRUSTED
    (Office_Alternetworks) #show version 
    Aruba Operating System Software.
    ArubaOS (MODEL: Aruba620), Version
    Website: http://www.arubanetworks.com
    Copyright (c) 2002-2012, Aruba Networks, Inc.
    Compiled on 2012-09-28 at 07:46:05 PDT (build 35523) by p4build
    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version CPBoot (build 23274) 
    Built: 2010-01-19 11:11:41
    Built by: p4build@re_client_23274
    Switch uptime is 4 minutes 47 seconds
    Reboot Cause: User reboot.
    Supervisor Card
    Processor XLS 204 (revision A1) with 890M bytes of memory. 
    32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
    256M bytes of Supervisor Card System flash (model=NAND 256MB).
    (Office_Alternetworks) #
    On the switch
    Alternetworks_6450_Office-> show linkagg
    Number  Aggregate  SNMP Id   Size Admin State  Oper State     Att/Sel Ports
       5     Static    40000005   2   ENABLED      UP              2   2
    Alternetworks_6450_Office-> show configuration snapshot linkagg 
    ! Link Aggregate :
    static linkagg 5 size 2 admin state enable
    static agg 1/4 agg num 5
    static agg 1/5 agg num 5
    Alternetworks_6450_Office-> show system 
      Description:  Alcatel-Lucent 6450L 10 PORT COPPER FE POE Service Release, August 16, 2012.,
      Object ID:,
      Up Time:      9 days 3 hours 29 minutes and 18 seconds,
      Contact:      Alcatel-Lucent, http://alcatel-lucent.com/wps/portal/enterprise,
      Name:         Alternetworks_6450_Office,
      Location:     San_Francisco,
      Services:     72,
      Date & Time:  SUN DEC 02 2012  16:00:58 (EST)
    Flash Space:
        Primary CMM:
          Available (bytes):  64409600,
          Comments         :  None
    IF i reboot the switch not the controller
    Alternetworks_6450_Office-> show system 
      Description:  Alcatel-Lucent 6450L 10 PORT COPPER FE POE Service Release, August 16, 2012.,
      Object ID:,
      Up Time:      0 days 0 hours 3 minutes and 26 seconds,
      Contact:      Alcatel-Lucent, http://alcatel-lucent.com/wps/portal/enterprise,
      Name:         Alternetworks_6450_Office,
      Location:     San_Francisco,
      Services:     72,
      Date & Time:  SUN DEC 02 2012  16:05:34 (EST)
    Flash Space:
        Primary CMM:
          Available (bytes):  64409600,
          Comments         :  None
    Alternetworks_6450_Office-> show linkagg  
    Number  Aggregate  SNMP Id   Size Admin State  Oper State     Att/Sel Ports
       5     Static    40000005   2   ENABLED      UP              2   2

     As you see in the results everything worked fine...I noticed that you configured lacp to have control over the port channel



            lacp timeout short
            lacp group 2 mode active 



    Do it without that... let the port channel have the control of it... and it should work... anyways check my config...

    Leave the ports that you are aggregating to the link aggregation with no config of lacp....



    interface fastethernet 1/0
            description "FE1/0"
            trusted vlan 1-4094
            switchport access vlan 1000
    interface fastethernet 1/1
            description "FE1/1"
            trusted vlan 1-4094

     here is what i got on the ports... which is not being used... as the port channel is taking over the LACP


  • 6.  RE: LACP don't work after reload

    Posted Dec 03, 2012 01:55 AM

    Thank you for your response.

    I've also an alcatel config on the other side, but with dynamic LACP.


    It is a good clue - I will try without these lines:

    lacp timeout short
    lacp group 2 mode active 

    Question to your config:

    Need I realy the access vlan in interface configuration if I configure port-channel?

    interface fastethernet 1/0
            description "FE1/0"
            trusted vlan 1-4094
            switchport access vlan 100

  • 7.  RE: LACP don't work after reload
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 10, 2012 02:17 PM

    Tested without

    lacp timeout short
    lacp group 2 mode active 

    and it works like a charm.

    It seemed that the active LACP functions properly only with the native vlan 1.

    Passive mode and lacp timeout long works also with other trusted native vlan.

  • 8.  RE: LACP don't work after reload

    Posted Dec 10, 2012 02:22 PM

    Nice to know that!


    Mark it as solution also so other with the same problem knows wihtout reading everything!


  • 9.  RE: LACP don't work after reload

    Posted May 25, 2016 12:59 PM

    How can I debug?

    I have troubles in switches side ("Aruba config is OK, nothing more to do")..


    What about: http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/tkb/articleprintpage/tkb-id/ControllerBasedWLANs/article-id/2039


    I have this in our LAB:




    vlan 1003

    spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
    no spanning-tree

    interface gigabitethernet 0/0/0   (Just to Power UP ;) )
            description "GE0/0/0"
            trusted vlan 1-4094

    interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
            description "GE0/0/1"
            trusted vlan 1003
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk native vlan 1003
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 1003
            lacp timeout short
            lacp group 1 mode active
            lldp transmit
            lldp receive

    interface gigabitethernet 0/0/2
            description "GE0/0/2"
            trusted vlan 1003
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk native vlan 1003
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 1003
            lacp timeout short
            lacp group 1 mode active
            lldp transmit
            lldp receive

    interface gigabitethernet 0/0/3  (to test and config in GUI with a laptop :P )
            description "GE0/0/3"
            trusted vlan 1003
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport access vlan 1003
            switchport trunk native vlan 1003
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 1003


    interface port-channel 1
            trusted vlan 1-4094
            switchport mode trunk
            switchport trunk native vlan 1003
            switchport trunk allowed vlan 1003
            no spanning-tree
            no spanning-tree point-to-point

    interface vlan 1003
            ip address

    ip default-gateway
    no uplink wired vlan 1
    uplink disable
    ip nexthop-list pan-gp-ipsec-map-list


    ip igmp

    ipv6 mld

    firewall attack-rate grat-arp 50 drop
    firewall jumbo mtu 9216
    ipv6 firewall ext-hdr-parse-len  100


    logging level debugging network process fpapps
    logging level debugging network process lldp
    logging level debugging network process hwmon
    logging level warnings security subcat ids
    logging level warnings security subcat ids-ap
    logging level debugging system process fpapps
    logging level debugging system



    I update OS after LACP fails:

    (master) #show port stat

    Port Status
    Slot-Port  PortType  AdminState  OperState  PoE  Trusted  PortMode  Speed   Duplex
    ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---  -------  --------  -----   ------
    0/0/0      GE        Enabled     Down       N/A  Yes      Access    Auto    Auto
    0/0/1      GE        Enabled     Up         N/A  N/A      PC1       1 Gbps  Full
    0/0/2      GE        Enabled     Up         N/A  N/A      PC1       1 Gbps  Full
    0/0/3      GE        Enabled     Down       N/A  Yes      Trunk     Auto    Auto
    PC1        PC        Enabled     Down       N/A  Yes      Trunk     N/A     N/A

    (master) #


    (master) #show log all  20

    May 25 01:52:08  cfgm[3521]: <307219> <DBUG> |cfgm| Sending the IPSEC Configuration
    May 25 01:52:10  lldp[3987]: <235003> <DBUG> |lldp|  LLDP Sent PKT at egress 8449
    May 25 01:52:11  lldp[3987]: <235003> <DBUG> |lldp|  LLDP Sent PKT at egress 8450
    May 25 01:52:12  fpapps[3560]: <208801> <DBUG> |fpapps|  LACP: dot3adPduTx: intIfNum 2 rc 0
    May 25 01:52:12  fpapps[3560]: <208801> <DBUG> |fpapps|  LACP: dot3adPerMach: intf 2 event 12 curState 3 nextState 2
    May 25 01:52:12  fpapps[3560]: <208801> <DBUG> |fpapps|  LACP: dot3adPerMach: intf 2 event 14 curState 2 nextState 3
    May 25 01:52:13  fpapps[3560]: <208801> <DBUG> |fpapps|  LACP: dot3adPduTx: intIfNum 3 rc 0
    May 25 01:52:13  fpapps[3560]: <208801> <DBUG> |fpapps|  LACP: dot3adPerMach: intf 3 event 12 curState 3 nextState 2
    May 25 01:52:13  fpapps[3560]: <208801> <DBUG> |fpapps|  LACP: dot3adPerMach: intf 3 event 14 curState 2 nextState 3
    May 25 01:52:23  cfgm[3521]: <307048> <DBUG> |cfgm|  Got a message from 8231:5010
    May 25 01:52:23  cfgm[3521]: <307050> <DBUG> |cfgm| Received a IPSEC CFG Message
    May 25 01:52:23  cfgm[3521]: <307219> <DBUG> |cfgm| Sending the IPSEC Configuration
    May 25 01:52:25  cfgm[3521]: <307026> <DBUG> |cfgm|  master: Refreshing the lms list
    May 25 01:52:25  cfgm[3521]: <307027> <DBUG> |cfgm|  Checking the LMS not responding flag for local flag value is 1, missedHB 0 socketID -1
    May 25 01:52:25  stm[3669]: <337000> <DBUG> |stm|  mon_mgr_update_thread_main: updateq empty. into conditional wait...
    May 25 01:52:25  ucm[4143]: <337000> <DBUG> |ucm|  mon_mgr_update_thread_main: updateq empty. into conditional wait...
    May 25 01:52:26  fpapps[3560]: <399814> <DBUG> |fpapps|  aruba_xlp_check_dtr: channel 0 recv 0x14e6 sent 0x14e6 diff 0x0
    May 25 01:52:26  fpapps[3560]: <399814> <DBUG> |fpapps|  aruba_xlp_check_dtr: channel 1 recv 0x2e781 sent 0x2e781 diff 0x0
    May 25 01:52:26  fpapps[3560]: <399814> <DBUG> |fpapps|  aruba_xlp_check_dtr: channel 2 recv 0x0 sent 0x0 diff 0x0
    May 25 01:52:26  fpapps[3560]: <399814> <DBUG> |fpapps|  aruba_xlp_check_dtr: channel 3 recv 0x0 sent 0x0 diff 0x0

    (master) #


    P.D.: To one switch LACP works, to diferent switches (that i want) dont: btw: http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Wireless-Access/Link-Aggregation-LACP-on-Aruba-Controller-Jan06-Tutorial/m-p/267355#M60746 .


    Best regards.