Wireless Access

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  • 1.  limit client number per ap

    Posted Dec 01, 2014 06:17 AM


    I have AP103 with two ssid on each AP and I want to limit the number of client to 60 per AP.


    I've set the "Max Associations" in the ssid profile but this parameter is per ssid and per radio. So I' can have at max 240 client per AP (2 ssid x 2 radio x 60 ).


    Is there another parameter to set to limit association per AP ?


  • 2.  RE: limit client number per ap
    Best Answer

    Posted Dec 01, 2014 06:26 AM

    The answer is no:  http://community.arubanetworks.com/t5/Controller-Based-WLANs/Can-I-limit-the-number-of-clients-per-SSID/ta-p/182422


    If you have clientmatch enabled (it is enabled in ArubaOS 6.3 and above by default), it will attempt to load-balance clients, but you will probably end up with more than 60 on an access point if you do not have enough access points to deal with your density..