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  • 1.  Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 05:43 AM

    Hi there, I'm trying to create a link-aggregation between 2 IRF connected A5120 and ESXi hosts.


    Here is my config:


    Two ports of ESXi connected to first A5120

    Two ports of ESXi connected to second A5120




    interface Bridge-Aggregation2

     description UplinkEsxi1
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 to 8 50 to 51 60 100 200

    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 to 8 50 to 51 60 100 200
     port link-aggregation group 2


    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 to 8 50 to 51 60 100 200
     port link-aggregation group 2


    interface GigabitEthernet2/0/10
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 to 8 50 to 51 60 100 200
     port link-aggregation group 2


    interface GigabitEthernet2/0/12
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 to 8 50 to 51 60 100 200
     port link-aggregation group 2


    ESXi5 configuration is NIC Teaming using IP based hash


    display link-aggregation verbose b2

    Loadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-Loadsharing
    Port Status: S -- Selected, U -- Unselected
    Flags:  A -- LACP_Activity, B -- LACP_Timeout, C -- Aggregation,
            D -- Synchronization, E -- Collecting, F -- Distributing,
            G -- Defaulted, H -- Expired

    Aggregation Interface: Bridge-Aggregation2
    Aggregation Mode: Static
    Loadsharing Type: Shar
      Port             Status  Priority  Oper-Key
      GE1/0/9          S       32768     1
      GE1/0/11         S       32768     1
      GE2/0/10         S       32768     1
      GE2/0/12         S       32768     1


    After doing this the connection to the ESXi is aleatory. Sometimes I can ping, sometimes not. Sometimes I can ping from one server, sometimes from another


    What's wrong with the config? I have the same exact configuration but with LACP against a Netapp in those switches and is working like a charm




  • 2.  RE: Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 08:22 AM

    Hi viktu


    The Switchconfig is right. I used this with ESX in a dozen of customer installations.


    Are you sure that everywhere on the ESX the Teaming is configured as "IP based hash"? In the vSwitch and each virtual Network?




  • 3.  RE: Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 09:10 AM

    Thank you Manuel, you gave me the hint!


    The Management interface NIC teaming information overrided the vswitch one using "route based on the originated virtual port ID"



  • 4.  RE: Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 09:42 AM

    I walked into the same trap a month ago. :-)


    you're welcome


  • 5.  RE: Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 04:30 PM

    (It seems today is going to be a good day: i got to learn a new word!  You had me at "aleatory". :-)


    Here's a config from a working 5500 IRF stack:



    interface Bridge-Aggregation2
     description esx2
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 5 110 202 to 206
     stp disable

    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
     port link-mode bridge
     port link-type trunk
     port trunk permit vlan 1 5 110 202 to 206
     broadcast-suppression 5
     stp edged-port enable
     port link-aggregation group 2


    This is using route based on IP hash on the ESX side as well.  I don't think the STP stuff will make any difference to connectivity; it was just for completeness' sake.  So all i can think is that someone has messed with your ESXi network config.

  • 6.  RE: Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 04:31 PM

    Heh. Obviously i should have refreshed the page before replying. Good to know i was on the right track, though.

  • 7.  RE: Link-aggregation and ESXi5 issues with A5120

    Posted May 01, 2012 04:47 PM

    OMG! I can't believe I wrote "aleatory"... obviously, I meant "randomly" ;)


    By the way, thank you very much for your answer, as you say you were on the way for the right answer.


    Thank you!