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Link Aggregation and LACP, HP V-1910 Model JE009a

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  • 1.  Link Aggregation and LACP, HP V-1910 Model JE009a

    Posted Mar 05, 2016 01:14 PM
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    i am looking for some assistence to complete Link Aggregation and LACP on an HP V-1910 switch, model JE009a.  Ill explain the setup:

    I have two QNAP NAS servers each connected to the switch with 4 Ethernet cables.  The servers are teamed in  I also have a PC running Windows 7, with four ethernet lines, teamed, attached to the switch.   

    I've set up the link aggregation, the LACP, and I have tagged and trunked BAGG 1-3.

    When I look at the LACP summary, there are ports and port partners that are not configured properly.  I have attached a screen shot.

    From a data transfer standpoint, transfer are rathercslow considering the setup.  Transfers between the servers are around 25 Mob/s.  PC to server is about 110 Mob/s.


    Could someone give me some advice on properly configing the switch?  Any help is appreciated



  • 2.  RE: Link Aggregation and LACP, HP V-1910 Model JE009a

    Posted Mar 06, 2016 02:59 AM

    If 110Mob/s  means a transfer rate of 110 MB/s, this is simply the max you get on a single gigabit interface.
    Bundling multiple NICs in LACP will not give you extra throughput for a single transfer! ( that line)

    Only on multiple connections (simultaneous download from server 1 and server 2 ...3   4)  traffic MIGHT end up on multiple links, giving you extra throughput.

    Only portchannel 0/1...0/4 seems broken, what's attached to it?