I have problem with mdns & bonjour discovery protocols (EDIT: and also PTP multicast) wich occures only in one vlan.
I have "normal" star topolgy network with 2530/2540 edges and 5406 core stack and over 10 vlans to host all necessary networks. 5406 is running on route mode and acts as router between networks. All vlan's has ACL which are attached to vlan's in-queue which should have no effect while problematic traffic stays in one vlan. All vlan's has same ip igmp-configurations and core stack acts as snooping querier.
Problematic vlan components are in address space so question is that is there limitations in combination of certain ip address spaces and IGMP functionalities how Aruba/HPE swithces can or cannot pass multicast to rest of the L2 network? To things work right in network addressed and PTP clocked Dante audio network I have to subscribe PTP multicast ( statically into every edge switch to things work right.
Today we added another Dante network components to other vlan with network addressing and everything worked fine without any special configuration?!?
Peacefull Christmas to all Airheads!