I do believe I have seen a reduction in flapping since upgrading from 60 to 72 on the firmware, but I guess I have two concerns.
1) Kinda as you've answered...why are they flapping all the time. I guess I could troubleshoot, although I no longer have any traps to refer to. But I'm talking like 330000 Link Up/Link Down messages since Sept. 17th. I do think they were reduced with the firmware, but maybe to about 100 per hour.
2) The bigger question...if I have the command snmp-server host a.b.c.d "snmp_string" Critical, why does it still send out the trap. I guess I would have to assume the switch considers Link Up or Link Down a Critical alert, but then why does SIM list it as Informational? I know on the BayStack 450-24T that is at the core, I could turn off the Link Up/Link Down trap and now my SIM server doesn't see it anymore.
I guess in all, while I would like the flapping to stop, I would REALLY like to have the switch stop telling me that they are flapping until I can get around to troubleshooting. It just seems like that function isn't working correctly. Or, I just don't understand it which is entirely possible.
Thanks again.