Thanks for the explanation Collin
I did not have that clear and now i do have it clear thank you!
I was doing this test becaue i got a client which we put aruba, but then they created a new room which is not that far away from the AP
He get signal yes but is not the best one when he connects on 5ghz exactly in there...
I asked him if he could use a 2.4ghz computer, the 2.4ghz computer seems to do much better... but on his laptop which is 5ghz capable he says sometimes goes really slow and that kind of thing...
Im going in there tomorrow to check by myself but im suspect that as the 2.4ghz can travel farther than the 5ghz thats the issue... he is connecting to 5ghz but not with a good signal...
I got Band steering on and i would like to leave it there... now i was thinking in finding a way to force that client to connect to the 2.4ghz if he see it with better signal.... even if the band steering is on...
I though this could help
What do you think? any other advice regarding this?
Im aware that we should survey for 5ghz but in this case well... they just added a new room.... and its not that the signal does not reach but it reach much better on 2.4ghz.
Thanks Collin!