Wireless Access

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  • 1.  local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 11:08 AM

    Hello guys  i got a question regarding this


    Does this does not work or i ll see it not working if i just got one AP and im testing it?  What i mean is that if that client dont see any other AP it will connect  no matter what value i put it to the threehold?

    It just that i want to verify this because im testing it with one AP i got here but no matter what i put my client still can connect....  But i just got one AP right now for testing it.

  • 2.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 12:42 PM

    @NightShade1 wrote:

    Hello guys  i got a question regarding this


    Does this does not work or i ll see it not working if i just got one AP and im testing it?  What i mean is that if that client dont see any other AP it will connect  no matter what value i put it to the threehold?

    It just that i want to verify this because im testing it with one AP i got here but no matter what i put my client still can connect....  But i just got one AP right now for testing it.

    The local probe request threshold parameter is designed to make it so that an access point will not respond to client probe requests if it is under a configurable threshold (signal strength).  Clients discover neighboring access points using different methods, like simply observing the beacons that are broadcast, so this might not work with all clients as a result.  Enabling the "hide ssid" parameter in the SSID profile will increase the chances of this working.  Please retest with "hide ssid" on.


    Remember, the access point will not reject a client's association request when this parameter is on, so it is not a method of forcing a client to another access point; it just influences it.  Please try with more than one access point, because a single access point is not a good use case.

  • 3.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 01:05 PM

    Thanks for the explanation Collin

    I did not have that clear and now i do have it clear thank you!


    I was doing this test becaue i got a client which we put aruba, but then they created a new room which is not that far away from the AP

    He get signal yes but is not the best one when he connects on 5ghz exactly in there...

    I asked him if he could use a 2.4ghz computer, the 2.4ghz computer seems to do much better... but on his laptop which is 5ghz capable he says sometimes goes really slow and that kind of thing...

    Im going in there tomorrow to check by myself but im suspect that as the 2.4ghz can travel farther than the 5ghz thats the issue... he is connecting to 5ghz but not with a good signal...

    I got Band steering on and i would like to leave it there... now i was thinking in finding a way to force that client to connect to the 2.4ghz if he see it with better signal.... even if the band steering is on...

    I though this could help

    What do you think? any other advice regarding this?


    Im aware that we should survey for 5ghz but in this case well... they just added a new room.... and its not that the signal does not reach but it reach much better on 2.4ghz.



    Thanks Collin!



  • 4.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 01:31 PM

    Start by turning band steering off.


    If the 5ghz coverage is much worse than the 2.4ghz coverage and we are forcing the client to use 5ghz, it will not work very well.

  • 5.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 01:35 PM

    ill first check if my assumption is correct(because i have not been in site, im just assuming all this!)

    but jeezes turning off the band steering just cause of one laptop???? beacause thats all that is in it that room one laptop!

    im even thinking on going in the laptop options and put it that it just can connect to 2.4ghz... or something liek that...

    Or instead of using band steering using spectrum load balancer(the ones that balance  to 2.4ghz and 5ghz, but having that particular AP  without spectrum load balancer?


    Really i appreciate your adivce Collin but would you tunr off band steering for one laptop?



  • 6.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 01:43 PM

    Step 1 - Survey to make sure you have good coverage at the location

    Step 2 - Use the dashboard to make sure you don't have alot of interference on that access point

    Step 3 - If yes to both, turn of Spectrum Load Balancing and Band Steering.  Both of those are not useful in a single AP deployment and could mask other issues if you do not check 1 or 2 first.


    Nothing can replace a good design.  Start with measuring the minimum SNR or Dbm for both bands and measure to ensure your client is getting those numbers.  Measure the Noise and utilization and make sure that the bands you are trying to use are not overutilized.  


    Turning on Spectrum Load Balancing and Band Steering and local-probe-request threshold should only be on after you check steps 1 and 2 to ensure your clients have the best environment.  Those features are normally part of a post-deployment strategy to influence stubborn clients when you have reached your design limitations.


  • 7.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 01:50 PM

    Thanks Collin thats a good advice...


    Ill fallow that up tomorrow, will have an airchecker with me to check the step one.  But initially i survey for 5ghz and everything was good until they added that room... which was out of the scope of the first survey and the first deployment i did.


    I was planning to turn off the band steering and turning on the spectrum load balancer, as a saw in a VRD or it was on the manual that i should just turn one or the other but not both... (will have to look for it again but im almost sure i read it!!)


    Anyways ill fallow your advices and steps and will try reporting tomorrow what i found.



  • 8.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 01:58 PM

    Turn everything off, and then survey.

  • 9.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 02:00 PM

    okay will do

  • 10.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 02:31 PM

    Nightshade1, this is not directed at you:


    Many users install access points and then try to deal with issues by looking at the high-density Validated Reference design guide and implementing the recommendations and features  there, or by searching for users who have issues that match theirs.  Users should FIRST go to the Indoor 802.11n Site Survey and Planning VRD here:  http://www.arubanetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/Indoor80211n_2012-05-31.pdf to understand the steps that need to be taken initially.  After all of those recommendations are put into place you will not have to work backwards and understand or deploy the fundamentals.  You will have less problems if you use the 802.11n Site Survey and Planning guide, because the fundamentals will be understood.  That addresses MANY of the issues on the forums.  After a proper deployment, the majority of what needs to be dealt with are client-specific issues....


    Information is in the 802.11n planning guide, but experience is also the key to dealing with issues that are not necessarily in the 802.11n deployment guide.


  • 11.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 03:15 PM

    Good recomendation Kudos

  • 12.  RE: local-probe-req questions

    Posted Mar 31, 2013 03:23 PM

    You know to be honest, i havent read this completely(i did before but never finished) butt as far im reading  im doing most of the things in there already... im actually reading it now, completely.

    I did read completely the HD VRD which your point is really valid