The Local Probe Request Threshold is part of the WLAN SSID Profile.
In the WebUI please first to go Admin ->Preferences (upper right corner) and set the checkbox for Show Advanced Profiles.
Then go to Configuration ->WLANs, Select the WLAN for which you want to modify the Local Probe Threshold. On the right side of the screen you should be able to see a tab called Profiles. Click on it and you will see a tree of the profiles for the selected WLAN. Expand the tree until you see the SSID profile. Select the SSID profile and search for the setting in the Advanced Section.
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 13, 2023 01:04 AM
From: musalyh
Subject: Local Probe Request Threshold
I want to customize the roaming parameter.
Aruba 7220 Controller Version 8.10
I checked the Local Probe Request Threshold in the guide.
But I can't find the Local Probe Request Threshold menu on the controller.