Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Low EIRP on AP near dense deployment building

    Posted Aug 01, 2018 09:47 AM

    Good Morning,


    We have 3 APs in a small house that had no issues from users until we deployed 100+ APs in the new large building next door.  As soon as we turned them all on, the EIRP on these 3 APs dropped (2.4Ghz: 12 to 9dBm | 5Ghz: 21dBm to 17dBm). 


    Airwave shows the house APs hear ~30 AMP APs on average (Not loudly, but enough to register.)  So we tried incrementally increasing ideal/acceptable coverage index, but APs don't budge on EIRP levels.  Our next plan is to move the 3 APs into their own group and up the min EIRP so they're forced to broadcast stronger.


    Does anyone have any other suggestions or recommendations for this scenario? 


    We're currently running ArubaOS 8.2

  • 2.  RE: Low EIRP on AP near dense deployment building

    Posted Aug 01, 2018 11:41 AM



    Are you running AirMatch?


    Your option would work, but I think the AP's in the large building will lower their EIRP in repsonse.


    Hope this helps 

  • 3.  RE: Low EIRP on AP near dense deployment building

    Posted Aug 01, 2018 12:10 PM

    Hi mrzero,


    Yes, I'm using Airmatch.  I didn't think about that - I'll be watching those too now.  Thank for the tip!