Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Max client Association and AP reboot question

    Posted 7 days ago


    Is there a list of AP config changes (currently on a Mobility Conductor environment running that causes an AP to reboot?  Or more importantly that does NOT cause an AP to reboot?  We have some APs in a high density environment that are beginning to push the boundaries of mac client association of 64 and I'd like to bump that number up to 128.  Depending on the specific location, the APs are 335s, 535s, 635s, or 575s.  It would be easier if the APs do not reboot or bootstrap when I do this, but it it must I will plan around that.  Also, has anyone had any issues with bumping the max association up to 128?



  • 2.  RE: Max client Association and AP reboot question

    Posted 7 days ago

    Reboot should only occur when provisioning.  Bootstrap should be restricted to some of the settings in the AP system profile.

    Changing settings in the SSID or VAP will probably result in a radio reset on the APs, potentially requiring all client devices to reassociate, but that should be almost hitless.

    Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110

  • 3.  RE: Max client Association and AP reboot question

    Posted 6 days ago

    Thanks Carson - that's what I thought but just wanted some confirmation.  I am still planning on doing it on Saturday morning, but the notifications I need to send out will be limited.

  • 4.  RE: Max client Association and AP reboot question

    Posted 7 days ago
    Edited by rah322 7 days ago

    See the AOS CLI Guide.  

    Page 9 - Commands That Rest the Mobility Conductor or AP. 

    I believe that setting (Max Associations) is in the SSID Profile - which will cause an AP reset, according to the CLI Guide. 

    We increased the Max Associations back in AOS 6.5.x. 

    We used Airwave to track / alert based on APs that showed, "AP is resource constrained" messages, which (I believe) were how they indicated they couldn't serve additional clients due to the Max Associations Limit.  Although I had initially considered limiting the scope to APs in HD (High [client] Density) areas, I ultimately ended up applying the update to Max Associations to our primary SSID.  

    I believe, I ultimately made this change overnight || during a scheduled maintenance window & we've carried forth the configuration in AOS 8.10.x. 

    We had no issues increasing Max Associations to 128.  At that time, the bulk of our deployed APs were AP-225 & AP-325s (but included 105s, 125s, & 135s as well). 

    Best of luck, 


    Rafael Hinojosa

  • 5.  RE: Max client Association and AP reboot question

    Posted 6 days ago

    Thanks Raf - I appreciate the input.  We have a few AP-105s that I don't plan to change.  Everything else (including some 225s, but mostly 335s and above) will get bumped up this weekend.