Hello guys and gals... I received a question from a very important customer today and I'm not exactly sure how to answer it. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of ignoring this question (LOL) and I have to come up with a response that will satisy them. I've done a couple of hours of Google research with no luck. Hopefully you guys can help me out. Here is the question.
In our WiFi configuration, we have TX max = 6 and TX min = 3. How does that work in practice as far as users being able to detect the network and login (if allowed)? Is the TX power always 3 but then can go up to 6 if a user is already logged in and the WiFi controller detects an issue with connectivity to that device?
To provide some context, this is a very small network that is confined to a space of approximately 100 ft x 12 ft. The network consists of an Aruba 7010 controller and 2 Aruba JW165A APs. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!