Wireless Access

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  • 1.  mesh point not accepting clients

    Posted Jul 24, 2019 10:03 AM
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    we've created a simple mesh setup using two outdoor 365 ap's.

    The distance between the two is 50 meter, clear line of sight.

    The problem is that the point device is not accepting any clients and i have no idea why.


    I used a second ap 105 as mesh point and here clients connect.  But this one was much closer to the portal (no power socket available in the straight line between the mesh portal and point to test).  This proves the portal works.


    The point is broadcasting the ssid's.

    I already noticed the point sometimes is not available.  No idea if it reboots due to a power issue (maybe the power injector is bad) or maybe due to missed heartbeat?  Sometimes it's up for more then a day, sometimes it's down for hours...  Besides the being up and down, if it's up i still cannot connect with a client.  I'm looking here at wifi outputs from the Android app Wifi Analyzer.  The point ssid's give me a signal strength of -58 dBm.


    If i'm standing with a laptop at the position where the point is, and using a tool like inssider to measure the signal strength of the portal, i see numbers in the range -58 to -65 dBm.  That looks sufficiant to sustain an active mesh link.


    I'm currently looking for info on how do i debug or interpret any output command, indicating this is a hardware issue or perhaps a problem with signal interference.


    I added the :


    show ap mesh topology

    show ap bss-table

    show ap mesh debug counters ap-name


    outputs attached.


    Anyone having an idea on how to debug this further?



    mesh_outputs.txt   4 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: mesh point not accepting clients

    Posted Jul 24, 2019 11:54 AM

    The mesh link looks good. The show ap bss-table needs to be captured from the point though (via CLI). Point name is 'AP-BE-DI-157', I assume these logs are from the VC master?


    From the point (AP-BE-DI-157), snag a show tech, you can email it to me if you want at jerrod -dot- howard -at- hpe -dot-com or PM me here.


  • 3.  RE: mesh point not accepting clients

    Posted Jul 25, 2019 03:07 AM

    No, the outputs are actually from the local controller.

    I'll need to enable telnet on the ap's.  Probably will mean the ap's will reboot so i'll do this in the evening.  The AP-BE-DI-157 is down again anyway now...

  • 4.  RE: mesh point not accepting clients

    Posted Jul 25, 2019 07:45 AM

    Sorry, I misread the output. So we need to figure out why the mesh is dropping first, since it's the only means to get the client SSIDs back. Seems odd that a controller SSID on a mesh point won't serve clients. Looking at the auth tracebuf would be a start for any client mac trying to join, but let me ask first...


    On the portal, where it's connected on the switch, is port security enabled? With mesh, the point's wired mac will show up on the portal's uplink. If port security is enabled, that mac will get blocked. You would want to disable port security on that port ideally, or at a minimum raise the port security limit up to 1+N (N being the number of APs on that port)


  • 5.  RE: mesh point not accepting clients

    Posted Jul 25, 2019 10:04 AM

    There is no port security on the switch.

  • 6.  RE: mesh point not accepting clients

    Posted Jul 25, 2019 10:31 PM

    I would open a TAC case then so they can pull the logs and inspect what is going on.