Network Management

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  • 1.  MIB?

    Posted Sep 10, 2009 05:29 AM
    How about anyone know how to import a MIB into iMC? I've got devices working with snmp but when traps are recieved iMC doesn't know what they mean so it discards them... I have a MIB for these devices...


  • 2.  RE: MIB?

    Posted Sep 18, 2009 09:24 AM
    dont know if you sorted this yet, but you can get IMC to stop discarding unknown traps or traps from unmanaged devices

    Go to Alarm tab

    In Trap Management goto Filtering Trap

    Edit the rule "Unknown Trap Filter"

    Remove tick in the "Filter Unknown Traps (Will be discarded)" checkbox

    If the device is unmanaged and is only discovered as ICMP not SNMP then you will also need to edit the "Unmanaged Devices Trap Filter" rule and untick box to discard traps from your icmp devices if only I could get my spam email appliance to get discovered as an SNMP managed device I would be happy :( Whatever I try it is just discovered as ICMP

  • 3.  RE: MIB?

    Posted Oct 01, 2009 02:21 PM
    Cheers cbcit..

    The real answer is in the latest version, 3.3 has an import for MIB's. I've successfully imported one and am just going through the severities and creating alarms for them.

    Well handy, so to answer my own question.. Use Version 3.30_R2606!!