Wireless Access

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  • 1.  Mobility Conductor L3 Redundancy

    Posted Aug 28, 2023 03:58 PM

    Dear Experts, 

    MC=Mobility Conductor

    If customer wants to have DC level redundancy, they need to have two L2 clusters of MM on primary site and DR site respectively. Since each primary MC can have only one standby MC, does it mean for DR, they need to purchase separate license for MC? Looking at below topology, how many MCR-VA-500 (assuming they have 450 APs and 2 controllers) they need to purchase? 1 or 2?

  • 2.  RE: Mobility Conductor L3 Redundancy

    Posted Sep 07, 2023 01:36 PM

    The MCR-VA license allows for the deployment and operation of up to four virtual appliances against the same license.  This allows for the primary and secondary L2 pair at each site.

    If you are running HW MCR, you have to purchase the four individual appliances that will all have their individual licenses associated.

    Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110

  • 3.  RE: Mobility Conductor L3 Redundancy

    Posted Sep 07, 2023 10:01 PM

    Thank you, can you help to advise where its mentioned? In userguide or some where else?


    Best Regards

    Owais Iqbal


    Technical Consultant - Aruba Networks

    Mob/Whatsapp: +92-321-2960496


  • 4.  RE: Mobility Conductor L3 Redundancy

    Posted Sep 07, 2023 10:25 PM
    Edited by chulcher Sep 07, 2023 10:25 PM

    Which piece?  Don't know that either is explicitly spelled out anywhere, but the normal usage will dictate the limits.

    Each Mobility Conductor (MCR), Mobility Controller (MC or MD, usage depends on management), and Access Point (AP) will consume 1 MCR license from the pool.  For your example of 450 APs, 2 controllers, and 4 nodes of MCR for redundancy, that would mean 456 MCR licenses being consumed.  The 4 node limit comes about because that is the maximum number of MCRs that can be configured for redundancy, two nodes in a VRRP pair running an L2 synchronization, two pairs of L2 redundant MCR in an L3 redundancy relationship, for a total of 4 MCR.

    For a MCR-VA license, that means the easiest purchase would be the MCR-VA-500 which would be applied to the first and primary MCR that is provisioned, as that would become the licensing server for the entire setup.

    MCR-HW have the license integrated into the platform so there isn't an option of deploying additional MCR-HW without also purchasing the licensing.

    I suppose you could setup a single MCR-VA as a centralized licensing server for multiple pairs or quads of redundant MCRs, but then you're just asking for more trouble should the primary licensing server have to move (and this probably isn't tested or supported).

    Carson Hulcher, ACEX#110