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Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

This thread has been viewed 18 times
  • 1.  Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 20, 2018 04:34 AM

    Have anyone had similar problem?

    When I try to run Mobility Master on of Hyper-V cluster host .ISO file is loaded but halted after few seconds and error appears saying


    Error: Unsupported CPU (Intel CPU with ssse3 instruction set support required))

  • 2.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 20, 2018 11:18 AM


    As I understand it, the VMM is only supported on ESX or KVM, currently.

  • 3.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 20, 2018 02:55 PM

    I installed MM to Hyper-V using ArubaOS_MM_8.2.1.0_64044.iso successfully.  Make sure you configure at minimum 3G memory, 2 VHDs and 3 NICs for VM.  You may need to change some settings in Bios to support hyper-V.

  • 4.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Jul 23, 2018 05:18 PM

    I haven't figured out how to get around this error yet. I'm trying to install Gen1 Hyper-V Vm's with ArubaOS_MM_8.3.0.1_65474 and ArubaOS_MM_8.2.1.1_65265; neither ISO wants to get past this first part. I've added hard drives, nic cards, memory, CPU, etc... The CPU itself mustn't be the error. I thought perhaps nested virtualization needs to be on, but no go there. 

  • 5.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Jul 23, 2018 05:27 PM

    I found the fix for me. It was to actually decrease the CPU count and memory that I had given it. I normally default to 4 CPUs and 8GB of RAM, crazy enough when I put it at 3 CPUs and 6GB of RAM it started. ;-(

  • 6.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 21, 2018 04:32 AM
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    Client HyperV Cluster use Compatibility Mode by default, which allow to migrate VM to other clusters hosts with diffrent CPU host.

    Compatibility mode can be disabled on VM.

    Compatibility mode limits CPU instruction set and Mobility master is throwing error about instruction set limits.


    Now question is when this issue will be fixed with mobility master?

    Because now client won't be able to use VM migration to another cluster host, if it use server with diffrent CPU


  • 7.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 23, 2018 11:57 AM

    I thought I had replied to this but maybe it was a different thread.


    All Aruba VMs require support for this instruction set among many others (Intel VT or AMD SSE3, whatever each chip vendor calls their virtualization acceleration, etc). If you have machines part of a vSphere or HyperV cluster that don't support that, those machines will have to be excluded from the cluster, or somehow prevented from hosting the VMC or VMM. 


    This is not something you can work around unfortunately, but SSE3 instructions (if that is your only deficiency) has been around for a LONG time so if a machine in the cluster is not support it, it's likely very old *OR* it's disabled in the motherboard and you can look at enabling it. 


  • 8.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 23, 2018 11:58 AM

    Also starting in AOS 8.3, ArubaOS VMM and VMC will be supported on HyperV.


  • 9.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Jan 10, 2019 07:28 AM

    Hi Community


    We are able to install and run VMM under Hyper-V. But some Hyper-V clusters have different server (respectively cpu) generation. So that's why they enabled cpu compatibility mode for all vms.


    For us and our customers it is important to know from which processor generation or version repectively Streaming SIMD Extensions generation/version VMM are supported.



  • 10.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 18, 2019 05:19 AM

    Hi all.

    We have exactly the same problem.

    We can't install Aruba MM on Hyper-v running on Xeon Gold 6148 CPU.

    It's Windows Server 2019 Standard.(supporting SSE4.2 )

    We tried different MM versions:,,, - all with 6 cores and 8192 Mb memory or 3 cores and 6144 Mb memory. All was done according to ArubaOS Virtual_Appliance_Installation_Guide.pdf, chapter  Chapter 9 "Installing ArubaOS Using Windows Hyper-V "


    We are still getting Error: Unsupported CPU (Intel CPU with ssse3 instruction set support required))


    Transferred old 8.2 to another VM - it works now, but still no good guide how to install it to a new VM...


  • 11.  RE: Mobility Master VM and Hyper-V installation problem

    Posted Apr 18, 2019 11:57 AM

    Please work with TAC and followup if they have a solution. We have multiple customers running VMM on HyperV as well as in our lab without any issues.