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  • 1.  Mobility Master VM migration issue

    Posted Feb 24, 2019 07:48 AM



    I got an issue when trying to move the  Mobility Matser VMs from one ESXi server to a new vCenter infrastructure. The 2 MM was configured with vrrp redundancy. The migration is done properly and the VM was copied.


    But when i logged on  the master MM , i got in the mobility master group, 3 Standby MMs, two MM with mac adresses that represent the first mac adresses  assigned by the first Esxi server.


    It looks like the VRRP did'nt updated the Mac adresses to take in count the new MAC adresse given by the new vCenter infrastructure.


    Please help me to fix this issue 


    Best regards




  • 2.  RE: Mobility Master VM migration issue

    Posted Feb 25, 2019 12:03 AM

    I would likely start with TAC. The VMMs are not meant to be portable in that way so it's hard to say what might have broken. For sure the licensing will need to be migrated in MNP or ASP as the license passphrase likely changed. 

    Note that moving within the same vCenter cluster wMMs halted usually is fine as the vCenter manager can move the UUIDs and preserve the MACs. If vMotion was not used on a halted VMM though, it's hard to tell what isn't working.