We are currently working on adding a Virtual Mobility Master to our setup (single 7030 controller, switching to virtual mobility master with backup and 2 7030 controllers).
The VMM comes with 3 NICs, we have multiple VLANs in use for our different wireless networks and VMware has only "trunk of all vlans" or single networks that can be connected to a NIC.
So I have a two fold question:
1. What network do I truly need to exist at the VMM level? The wireless VLANs are important for the controller but it seems to me that other then knowledge of them the Mobility Master does not actually need a leg on them.
2. Will the VMM blow up if I add more NICs if I do need more then 3 different VLANs there? I really don't like the idea of having a trunk with all networks available on the vSwitch go to the host.
Technical details:
Controllers - 7030
AOS - 8.6 or 8.7 [I'm doing the new setup with 8.7, currently running, any red flags with 8.7?]