Network Management

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  • 1.  Modifying Device IP in HP IMC

    Posted Mar 21, 2017 08:36 AM

    Hi Everyone,

    We are planning to change the management IP address of the all 150 switches in our campus LAN, so we would like to replace/modify the old IP addresses with the new ones because we want to retain all the previous syslogs, configuraiton files etc....  Rediscovering the devices with new IP addresses will add them as new devices and thats not an option.

    I did found 2-3 posts here on HPE Community regarding the same query but the links containing intructions are not valid anymore.

    Any help will be greately appreceated.

  • 2.  RE: Modifying Device IP in HP IMC

    Posted Mar 21, 2017 12:44 PM

    You can do it by modifying the DB, but it's not a supported procedure. You can do it if you really want, it's not that hard. But you might get a few oddities happening.

    You said that it's "not an option" to add as new devices: You have to decide how important is it to you to retain that data vs doing something unsupported. 

    What is it that you *really* need from the old data? If it's just syslogs & config files, then you can just take copies of that data - the config files are stored on disk, and syslogs are periodically exported to text.

  • 3.  RE: Modifying Device IP in HP IMC

    Posted Mar 30, 2021 08:26 AM

    Just edit IPs in table tbl_dev in schema imc_config in database config_db in SQL

  • 4.  RE: Modifying Device IP in HP IMC

    Posted Mar 30, 2021 09:31 AM


    Please do not modify the IPs in the database directly as this could cause unforseen issues and is not supported.

    Meanwhile there is a way to change the IP addresses of your devices directly in iMC wihout deleting and re-adding them. I'm not sure on which version it was added, but if you are on one of the latest (7.3 E0705+) it should work:

    1. Open the file iMC\client\conf\ in a text editor, and change enableIPModification=false to enableIPModification=true

    2. Restart jserver process via DMA. The option to modify the device IP will now be available on Device Details.

  • 5.  RE: Modifying Device IP in HP IMC

    Posted Mar 30, 2021 11:05 AM

    Good to know. Should really be enabled by default IMO