Wireless Access

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  • 1.  MSM 430 - "no MSM Autonomous image available"

    Posted Apr 25, 2015 03:42 PM



    We have MSM 430s in our lab (HP Education Services) that require use in both Autonomous mode and Provisioning mode.


    When we manually reset the unit, login via web browser and attempt to "Switch to Autonomous Mode" from provisioning mode we get this error -


    "The operational mode selection is not supported because there is no MSM Autonomous image available"


    How can we get the unit to Autonomous Mode?


    Thanks - Walt


  • 2.  RE: MSM 430 - "no MSM Autonomous image available"

    Posted May 01, 2015 09:46 AM

    Well I now understand how this happens.   We use 830 Unified Controllers in some of our course deliveries.  The 830 apparently does not include the autonomous image when it adopts the AP and downloads firmware.   I have no clue why.  Seems like an oversight or bug to me. 


    At any rate, you can restore the autonomous image to the AP if you're lucky enough to have MSM 760 controllers.  The 760 will include the autonomous image so when it adpots the AP it will download it and the "Switch to Autonomous Mode" button will now work.


    If anyone from 830 Unified engineering is listening - please include the autonomous image in your next firmware release or please point me to an image that currently includes it.


    Thanks  - Walt

  • 3.  RE: MSM 430 - "no MSM Autonomous image available"

    Posted May 11, 2015 06:03 AM

    Hi Walt


    We don't have Unified autonomous imges for MSM APs. If you want to have that, you should contact your local sales office for an enhancement request.


    There are a few ways to restore the device back to MSM mode for Autonomous operation, described in http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c04514138. If no MSM controller is available, you can upload an MSM image with TFTP. It's a quick process. However for that you need a specific XXXX.cim.startup -file, and to get that you will need to contact the support. Once you have that, it's a quick process.