Wireless Access

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  • 1.  MSM 760 & APs MSM 410/430/425

    Posted Sep 24, 2015 11:38 AM

    Hello everyone
    I need help over MSM760 controllers and access points msm 410/430/425.

    In a hotel, I install MSM410 APs in many hallways but when i test in the rooms, i have no wifi signal.

    Because of the concrete wall structure, so thick.

    I tried to put msm430 and msm425 instead of msm410, more powerfull theory but the signal wifi did not move (not better)

    Are there any wireless terminals even more powerfull, or maybe an ortientation to maximize the signal on the wall or direction to the rooms.


    Sorry to my poor english language..


    Best regards


  • 2.  RE: MSM 760 & APs MSM 410/430/425

    Posted Sep 25, 2015 09:09 AM

    Nicolas this is difficult. Everything is about antennas and materials you are fighting against. Concrete especially if we are talking about strong walls (old building with 1 metr wide wall) can be very big problem.

    But check if:

    you enabled 2,4Ghz radios and mapped to appropriate VSC, with 5Ghz you are totally out due to character of the signal.

    you don´t have problem with interference (in this case SSID must be visible but the signal will be bad).

    you can play with radio setup little bit


    Check if you see SSID when you are standing under the AP (i think that this was checked).

    Check the orientation of AP and try to rotate or try different placement.

    Normally APs are placed into ceiling. Can cause also problem.


    In old hotels where I can suppose big, strong concrete walls I recommend MSM517 directly into the room. (in history MSM317). Because it can be really difficult to cover these places by WIFI.


    Also recommended is to draw the plan of the hotel in IMC/WSM app. This can uncover lot of problematic places.

  • 3.  RE: MSM 760 & APs MSM 410/430/425

    Posted Sep 30, 2015 05:14 AM
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    The hotel is recent (2012) but the structure is concrete and doors are fireproof.
    The APs are hung on the walls. and the rooms behind the APs and not in front.

    I guess the broadcasting of the AP is much lower behind than on the front?

    VSC building are configured on both radios: 2.4 and 5GHz.

    I put a screenshot of my configuration msm430. Same for msm410.

    The problem is the poor signal, and no allocation of IP address and therefore no internet access.

    The solution could be one AP per room but in an hotel of 90 rooms, the cost would be very important.

    Does IMC solution / WSM app have an evaluation version?

    Thanks for the reply.

  • 4.  RE: MSM 760 & APs MSM 410/430/425

    Posted Sep 30, 2015 12:00 PM

    Setup looks good. If I understand you have AP lighting to the rooms with vertical orientation. So on the wall with leds down and the front of AP looking on rooms door.


    What I often change is Distance between APs, this can help sometimes.


    Yes IMC with WSM is available as trial for 60 days on the hpe.com website.  And can help you to better analyze the problem.


    Did you try channel change? How looks the wireless situation onsite? How much WIFIs are around you? I am thinking about interference. From my experience this can cause lot of headaches. Especially if the hotel is inside the city. In "my hotel" there are about 120 WIFIs network all around.


    Firedoors can be very big problem and also Bathrooms and WCs. Everything is in play. Did you compare the situation if the room door is opened? Just idea.


    90 rooms can be problem. Last resort is MSM517 as I wrote. But it requires one ethernet in the room.


    Totally dummy idea is to take a look around if you are not in visible distance from some bank or similar security-oriented building. There are some technics (also from HP called as RF Manager) which can significantly limit WIFI. But as I said, this is totally dummy.

  • 5.  RE: MSM 760 & APs MSM 410/430/425

    Posted Oct 02, 2015 02:33 AM
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    Attached is a map with a picture to better understand the current installation.

    I will test by changing the distances, but which? small, long?

    I have never changed the channel, I have always stay in automatic.i'll try

    The hotel is in city but  under 50K people and wifi networks are not very present. In the rooms, they are not captured by laptops, we need go to the balcony to get them.
    So I don't think to no interference by other wifis

    During construction, we did some the tests without doors / full bathroom. And it worked very well. But not anymore.
    So I do not know if there are options to max power's  APs? And after, consider buying other APs. :/




  • 6.  RE: MSM 760 & APs MSM 410/430/425

    Posted Oct 02, 2015 07:19 AM

    Hello, from attached picture it is more clear.

    1. you aim the signal to opposite direction. Behind AP there is some signal, but you completely send all power into the wall. It is logicaly too close. The best signal is in front of the AP and all around AP. Please see in AP package (box) coverage document where very nice scheme is drawn. Or it can be downloaded from the web (it is quickstart guide)

    Try one or two APs on the ceiling with LEDs oriented along the center of the doorway. So horizontal orientation. I think that signal will be better.

    2. Second - you are unlucky little bit because the room disposition can be WIFI unfriendly. It has two separated rooms (toilet and bathroom), so passing thru two walls required (one big from concrete and all other possibly from something more wifi friendly - like a plasterboard, or smaller bricks.  And If doors are antifire with some iron or something like this, this can be the real cause with very difficult solution.


    You cannot get from AP more power because you are limited by goverment regulation. Power maximums are defined by Country selection.



    Try different orientation and location for AP, best possible will be on the opposite side with front part with leds facing to the opposite door wall into the rooms. You will have more space to wide signal into the area. But try also the horizontal orientation on the ceiling.

    But I am optimist it must have solution.


    All other advices (Distance between APs, channel magic) are connected mainly to interferences. So if you say that no wifi exist in close area this can improve the signal very small.


    You can improve signal using external antennas with MSM466 or MSM425. Or as i wrote before you can use MSM517 as replacement of data outlet but this means 90 APs into each room.