Hi Robert.
Yes, this is expected behaviour. Netedit has dependency on switch fw version and model. Before upgrading fw or adding a new switch model it is advisable to check release notes of your netedit version if they are supported. Sometimes you will need to wait before fw upgrade as netedit may not yet support latest version. This is related to syntax parser in netedit and when changes are introduced in fw netedit need to catch up.
Best, Gorazd
Gorazd Kikelj
MVP Guru 2024
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 22, 2024 04:43 AM
From: r.grossmann
Subject: NetEdit: Aruba CX Switch are not added/discovered anymore
Updated from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 and some of the switches appears.
Try to find which are still not added and whats the matter there!
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 22, 2024 04:08 AM
From: r.grossmann
Subject: NetEdit: Aruba CX Switch are not added/discovered anymore
Newly added Aruba Switches are not discovered by NetEdit anymore.
Same Subnet and Credentials as earlier, but no success :-(
NetEdit Credentials are set with REST, SNMP and SSH parameters. This has worked before, and ~64 Switches has been added since 2021, but the newly added switches do no appear in NetEdit.
When trying to manually adding the device (Discover with seed IP = Device IP), then the device only appears under diagnostics with "Status ?" and Reason "UNKNOWN"
Also I don't know how to enable SNMP Debug, I do not find such an option...
Thanks an kind regards