Did you get this resolved? I have been having the same issue, it's apparently a bug with newer versions, the wrong database starts up on startup and uses the TCP port so that the correct service fails to start. I'm waiting for an answer on the bug fix.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 14, 2024 09:19 AM
From: farmersLSD
Subject: Netedit issues
I will look at logs, but it's mostly gibberish to me. Just not sure what to look at and nothing related specifically to Netedit. All of the generic postgresql guides I could find didn't help. Can't use TAC as we're unsupported using the free version. Not enough switches to require licensing.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 13, 2024 07:28 PM
From: Daniel Ruiz
Subject: Netedit issues
Indeed, as you confirm, you have plenty of space. As I said at the beginning of the thread, it wasn't always because of that problem. In the logs section you get some additional data besides netedit/postgresql service has failed. In the VMware logs, is there anything related to machine resources? You probably have to access the console with root to see why postgresql is failing. Do you have an open case with TAC?
Daniel Ruiz
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba Networks.
If you have urgent issues, always contact your Aruba partner, distributor, or Aruba TAC Support.
Check https://www.arubanetworks.com/support-services/contact-support/ for how to contact Aruba TAC.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 11, 2024 11:00 AM
From: farmersLSD
Subject: Netedit issues
I will look at thick provision. We have 24 TB free, so it's definitely got enough space on host.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 11, 2024 10:37 AM
From: GorazdKikelj
Subject: Netedit issues
Did you check if the Hypervisor has enough space to expand disk in the case that you select thin provisioning? I sometimes see similar errors when hypervisor datastore run out of space.
If you have originally thin provisioned disk, then try with tick provisioning.
Best, Gorazd
Gorazd Kikelj
MVP Guru 2024
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 11, 2024 09:50 AM
From: farmersLSD
Subject: Netedit issues
Good thought, but it's showing 7% in use right now. We're a pretty small school district. We have about 20 switches in there now, so assume that should be enough. We did use the OVA, so I went with the base requirements which was 115GB. Our current disk is showing 37GB in VMWare.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 08, 2024 06:33 PM
From: Daniel Ruiz
Subject: Netedit issues
It doesn't have to be this case, but sometimes when you get this postgresql error it can be because the disk is full. Do a df to see how full the partitions are. You can highlight the /usr/ partition to see its size
Daniel Ruiz
Any opinions expressed here are solely my own and not necessarily that of Hewlett Packard Enterprise or Aruba Networks.
If you have urgent issues, always contact your Aruba partner, distributor, or Aruba TAC Support.
Check https://www.arubanetworks.com/support-services/contact-support/ for how to contact Aruba TAC.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 08, 2024
From: farmersLSD
Subject: Netedit issues
I had a previous install that started throwing this error a few months ago.
netedit/postgresql service has failed
I never could find a solution, so I did a fresh install about two months ago. Can't remember if I did an update or not, but today, I got that same error again. Even in the documentation, it says that it's fine to update the OS. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to fix this? Not a Linux guru. I can get around in Linux, but when it comes to know default directories and command-line, no.
Download 2.12.0 now to reinstall again.