I cannot share any drawings on a public forum however, I'll give some more details as to the physical layout.
We have a campus style geography, with 3 sites. An MDF and two IDFs. The MDF and IDFs have 2 each 7506s in a IRF these 3 sites are connected together over 10Gb single mode. Extending from these nodes are many outlying builidngs each with different customer requirements, we manage all the infrastrucuture. We need to provide customer networks (doing so currently on old procurve layer 2 vlans) to these outlying builidngs, but coming from the old layer 2 deagin we wish to implement vpn-instance and introduce OSPF within the vpn-instance in oder to provide certain customers with the ability to route their own vlans etc. Also we like the idea of the vpn-instance so there is little chance of cross contaminating networks as you can imagine a customer not wanting their vlan bleeding to another customers network.
So how do we get the OSPF working within vpn-instance (we've been struggling with this for awhile now)
How do we provide multiple vpn-instances to the edge equipment? (being that of various makes and models)
Also does the OSPF per vpn intelliigence happen at the core or does my edge equipment need to also participate in this role in some way.