In the deployment page, click on the +ip link next to your interface. A new IP-address box will appear. Hit the ipv4 link below it to toggle it to IPv6 and you are set.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 17, 2023 03:15 AM
From: Pravin Mulay
Subject: NGFW feature licencing and dual stack.
Hello Duane,
Thank you so much for your confirmation.
Can you please guide me how i can configure v4 and v6 interface on one interface. i tried doing it but it is not allowing.
Thank you so much in adavance for all your support.
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 09, 2023 10:36 AM
From: Duane Henigin
Subject: NGFW feature licencing and dual stack.
Yes, EdgeConnect can support IPv4 and IPv6
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 08, 2023 06:54 AM
From: Pravin Mulay
Subject: NGFW feature licencing and dual stack.
Thank for the information.
My current WAN infra is setup for dual stack (IP v4 and v6). wanted to know whether SDWAN edge connect will support dual stack solution.
Thank you
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 06, 2023 06:46 AM
From: AH5
Subject: NGFW feature licencing and dual stack.
Hi, I can answer the first question on licensing. We have all the NGFW in the standard SD-WAN bandwidth license. The only features not included is IDS/IPS. You require a separate security license for that. If you check out the link below, it has a breakdown of features and which is license is required.
To review your current licensing you should be able to see this on the main Orchestrator dashboard or under configuration then licences.
Regarding the dual stack question. Do you mean high availability or clustering?
Original Message:
Sent: Mar 06, 2023 03:36 AM
From: mulepravin7
Subject: NGFW feature licencing and dual stack.
Hi Team,
- Kindly confirm if we need addtional licences on SDWAN Edge connect in order to use NGFW feature?.
- If Yes, whether it is for complete SDWAN solution for all Edge connect or we need to have indual licenes for each edge connect device?
- Where i can see/verify more about NGFW licenes on SDWAN Orchestrator and Edge connect device.
Addtion to this i just have one addtional question:
- Can SDWAN edge connect support dual stack.
- Are there any chalenges with IPv6 / dual stack solution?.
Thank you so much to in advance.